What did you have for your breakfast

If you’re really quiet in this thread you can just about hear the arteries hardening.

To answer the OP:

Cup of Earl Grey tea with a little honey and half a pink grapefruit.

Today, i actually ate breakfast here, at home, instead of on the way to the 9 am lecture :). And it was:

3 slices bacon, 2 slices buttered toast, fried egg, cup of orange spice tea.
and i’m gonna go finish it off with a GV rollup on the way to band practice…

Just a point here, as an Englishman I am supposed nay!! obliged to love tea. Fact of the matter is I can’t even stand the smell of the stuff and how anyone can drink it is beyond me…it’s bloody foul smelling and I imagine the taste can only reflect the pong.

Gimme coffee, coffee,coffee, black and bitter just like my women :wink:

Apple, orange and a low fat yogurt followed by a very large mug of decaff coffee… always a fruit and yogurt brekkie … I love it :smiley:

So far, beer, twix bars, sniker’s cruncher, and some candy corn (my evening panned into my morning, and I was at a party, so…)

And I like my coffee like I like my men…with a little cream in a big cup.

(there was an entire thread not too long ago devoted to this. )

two weetabix with milk, followed by bacon (2 rashers), sausage (x2), beans, fried egg, hash brown, grilled tomato, two slices of toast with butter and marmalade, washed down with coffee (black) and orange juice. All eaten whilst watching England vs. Samoa (that was a close thing, thought we were done for after the first 20 mins)

Good lord. I can’t even contemplate food in the morning. I start my day with three cups of black coffee and a cigarette. I don’t eat until halfway through my day, and then it’s never breakfast-y food, it’s usually leftover dinner from the night before. I will occasionally have eggs and bacon, or french toast and bacon, in a restaurant for dinner, but never in the morning!

Big bowl of oatmeal, with raisins and a sliced banana, sprinkled with cinnamon and drizzled with honey. Hey, it’s a frickin’ bowl of gruel, I HAVE to make it sound as appetizing as I can. And a big glass of OJ. Rather tasty, and cholesterol-lowering like you can’t believe.

To hybrid_dogfish: Your mention of marmalade got my mouth to watering. Was stationed in England for a year, back in the early 70’s. I miss the very bitter style available to you. Chiver’s is a hit or miss find around these parts, so I buy several jars when they do surface. Ta

Chili, coffee, Inderal and a Marlboro.

And I’m contemplating a pear.

Today (Sunday) it’s buttermilk pancakes made with blueberries we picked this fall.

Turkey ham with scrambled eggs. I love the stuff and it’s cheap to boot, just like me! :smiley:


Well I suppose it makes a change from your navel:D

One buckwheat pancake with syrup, one banana, one cup of coffee with a dash of milk. I don’t do big breakfasts.

Huevos a la mexicana (scrambled egss with chopped serrano chilis, white onion and tomato), boiled beans topped with queso seco, fresh tortillas, sliced papaya, fresh grapefruit juice and coffee.

Ugh…it just hasn’t gotten any better today.

I’ve followed my tea and toast with…more toast and cheese. And Naan bread. And a Yorkie bar.

Yay, toast!

If I ever have to leave this place, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to eat again. I think I may just have toast for breakfast tomorrow.

Just bran flakes. Cash is tight right now and good lord do i miss good food. All the cheap stuff is high carb and I’m craving protien so much I want to run out and club me some of the local cats and dogs. I need meat gosh darn it!

And coffee.
I love making the coffee in the morning and breathing in that steam and leaning on my elbows in front of my favorite window.

Chefguy, that sounds fantastic. Next weekend that is on my menu.

Today’s Monday and the start of daylight savings, so I wasn’t very hungry. One slice wholemeal toast & vegemite, and a small wedge of pink papaya, and coffee (new Guinea Blue Mountain, plunger brew). Normally it’s either cereal & yoghurt or 2 slices of toast, as well as rather more fruit.

Like ** cajela** said, start of daylight saving, and my body is out of whack. I had a toasted bacon sandwich, a diet coke (I HATE fruit juice) and three Winfield Gold cigarettes. Oh, and a black coffee, no sugar.

Breakfast for me is normally porridge with toast and fruit, but I just couldn’t face it today. Needed something greasy.