What in an otherwise decent TV series made it impossible for you to watch?

It really pissed me off when Ensign Haskell was killed by the inquisitive alien just after relieving Wesley at the Navigation station. Why couldn’t he have sat there just a few minutes longer? :mad:

If you’re talking about the episode “Where Silence has Lease”, that dude’s death was shocking enough. If it had been a known character instead of some anonymous Redshirt (whatever color he was actually wearing), people would have just been “Whoa”.

That same thing happened in the “Legion of Superheroes” comic. There was a character called “Monstress” who was kind of a female Hulk knock-off and was pretty unpopular. Well, she was killed off in a pretty random Tasha Yar style and readers couldn’t believe it.

Oh, and Mean Mr. Mustard, I liked Debra Fucking Morgan.

Yeah, I get that. I still wish it had been Wesley. :mad: :mad: :mad:

(And yeah, Haskell was wearing a red jumpsuit. Dead giveaway as to what would happen next!)

When he left the show and became a recurring character I actually started to like him. Most, if not all, of the episodes that featured him from that point on are pretty good.

In the first episode of The Hour, which was supposed to be the BBC’s answer to Mad Men, one of the characters (who is English) refers to “Prime Minister Eden”. British people don’t say that - you’d say “Eden” or “the Prime Minister”, or “the PM”. The line was clearly written that way for the foreign market, or people who don’t know who Anthony Eden was. To me, that level of inaccuracy showed it wasn’t going to be on the level of Mad Men and I didn’t watch any more.

Wait until you get to the episodes with Randy Pearson as a sort of replacement Eric character. They all suh-huck.

I couldn’t make it through the first episode of “The Handmaid’s Tale.” When they took that girl’s eye, it was too upsetting. Haven’t gone back to the series since. I read the book in college, so I’m familiar with the story.

Definitely this for me. I can’t watch “Rick and Morty” because I hate the art. I quit “Bob’s Burgers” for that (and other reasons). I just barely tolerate the drawing style of “Bojack Horseman” and I hit the wall with “Tuca and Bertie.” I just can’t sand to look at it. I won’t watch “Rugrats” or “Rocko’s Modern Life” because of the art.

Strangely enough, though, I loved the art style in “Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist.” That remains one of my favorites.

I can live with the animation on Bob’s Burgers. In fact I think it’s a pretty damn funny show, except for the character of Bob’s son Gene. Everybody else has clever or at least funny lines, but Eugene just brays out stupid non sequiturs. It’s very tiresome

Roseanne made it almost impossible for me to watch “Roseanne”.

I turned on Mindhunter, this Netflix show about the development of serial killer hunting methodologies at the FBI in the 1970s. About 10, 15 minutes into the first episode the following line (paraphrased) occurred:

“6 months ago, a man took a family hostage in an Austin, Texas subdivision… to make matters worse, the San Antonio Chief of Police {did something stupid which pertains to the show, not this thread}.”

I completely understand that one can film a car chase which somehow involves invisible wormholes because cars will make turns and in up in a completely different part of the city (Bullett was famous for this). I understand that a TV show about a bureaucracy like the FBI will take shortcuts for dramatic purposes.

What I don’t understand the process that started with “Austin? San Antonio? Two cities in Texas - surely Austin is a suburb of San Antonio, right? We’ll just write it like that!” made it to my TV set without (a) anybody from Texas involved saying, “naw, that’s not right”, or (b) looking at a damned map.

So, like the OP, I turned this show off. I’m sure it’s a great show, but holy hell guys, these two cities are 80 miles apart! This shouldn’t have been that hard!

King of the Hill…because of Bobby.

Thet boy jes’ ain’t quite rahhhht…

Can we do reality shows?

I can’t stand any part of American Pickers that features Mike’s brother Robbie.

And I can take Danielle only in small doses.

My wife and I watched about two seasons of “The Americans” before finally giving up. It was an interesting story but really stretched the limits of credibility. They have two kids, yet both parents are often out at all hours of the night. The kids have no clue what their parents are up to, and neither does the FBI agent who lives across the street. But what finally killed it for me was when the dad married the neighbor’s boss’s secretary. :rolleyes:

Speaking of The Big Bang Theory: I absolutely could not stand Raj’s girlfriend Anu, played by Rati Gupta. I don’t know whether it was the actress or the character, but everything about her simply rubbed me the wrong way. Thank god Howard talked Raj out of moving to London with her.

I stopped watching Scandal when they had Olivia get an abortion while a Christmas carol played in the background.

Knowing that one of the actors is a Scientologist.

I could hardly believe Hugh Laurie got his own show on American tv but House reveled in too much medical grossness for me to watch.

Yes, the original ending was absolutely terrible.

Thankfully they also made the proper one!

I would be interested in hearing how this interferes with your enjoyment of a television show.