I know, this is a very general question. The problem is the word “thing” can cover so many terms.
So what?
In this thread “thing” can range from education to a specific movie, to a horrible song, to a overly praised politician to a specific holiday or anything.
What do you think is the thing that other people praise as being good or great, but you disagree and why?
I strongly disagree with “It’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”
I wish I could have known what it was like to spend my formative years not pursuing the elusive “true love” that we’re all supposed to find, against stiff odds.
Similarly, sex. I like it, it’s great fun, I spend a lot of time thinking about it, and I fully believe that the meaning of life is to fuck long, hard, and often, i.e., be fruitful and multiply, but I’ve yet to have that absolutely mind-blowing experience that has been immortalized in practically every form of human expression, and think it’s just the eensiet bit overblown.
Maybe I’ll be proven wrong, and hope I will be. I doubt it, though.
We really needed thoughtless, careless people to have a must-have driving distraction to kill us. Now that so many people have the damn things, you pretty much need to have one if you drive an older car now that they’ve yanked pay phones out of most places.
I disagree on cell phones. They can’t be beat for convenience, and, when used judiciously while driving, can be a great time saver as they enable you to make appointments or take care of other routine things while en route.
On the other hand, I probably wouldn’t use a GPS device if you gave it to me free with service. Since I don’t drive to unfamiliar places very often, I just wouldn’t have much use for it.
1.Green Day. Especially the newer Green Day.
2.The Jonas Brothers. Just cause your parents are rich doesnt give you the right to start a band.
3.Nirvana. Dont get me wrong, they were good but they are really overrated now
I used to feel that way. Two women changed my whole outlook on sex. It can be mind blowing but unfortunately they both turned out to be batshit insane. Nowadays I lean more towards the other end of the spectrum, fairly good sex with way less drama.
As to the topic. I don’t get text messaging at all. I understand how to use it but why is this better than picking up the phone and actually talking to the person?
HDTV- Now maybe when my perfectly fine 39" old fashioned tv wears out I may consider it. I’m certainly not blown away enough to justify the cost right now.
Organic food. I went to WholeFoods for some hamburger buns because it’s the closest store to me- they wanted $4.50 for 8 hamburger buns! WTF? I went to the Circle K, where they’re $1.29.
Going to the movies, my God. If I wanted to get more annoyed I would just go to work. With cell phones bleeping and inane conversation and the munching sound of everyone in the theater eating popcorn. I’ll just wait for the dvd.
Oh! I forgot about the endless trailers for future movies and now bonus commercials which I kind of thought was the point of paying 9+ dollars not to have to see them.
definitely. I’ll really only go to a movie if it’s something like a big horror movie that is actually fun to watch with a large group of people. Most movies I’ll wait for the DVD and watch it alone, as I really don’t like having to deal with other people when I’m trying to focus on something else.
A lot of the other stuff in this thread I agree with as well. Cell phones are great, however, though I rarely talk on mine while driving. Also, Vegas is awesome, if for no other reason than the fact that it’s such a bizarre, surreal, ridiculous place.