What's the worst place to get a zit?

On the outer ear canal close to the opening where you can still feel it but not quite reach it and you are left with no choice but to leave it alone or have someone else pop it for you. It’s only happened to me twice and they were both painful and uncomfortable.

On your partner’s junk.

As far as pain goes, inside the ear.

But I’d rather have an ear zit than one on the nose, since it doesn’t take much of a zit at all to make a nose awful red.

One time I had one on the underside of my nose right square between the nostrils. Put a thumb in one nostril and forefinger in another and squeezed. The pain was like sticking a cattle prod up your ass, but once started, the relief was orgasmic.

I’ll have to agree with the edge of the lip zits being the worst. Painful and hard to camoflauge.

I do have a massive zit in my eyebrow right now that makes it hurt to blink. It might be an ingrown hair though, I did just get my eyebrows waxed… :mad:

Having one in your lady bits isn’t fun either. Suppose we’ll never know which hurts worse, though.

Agree with the lady bits being a really bad spot. When I had that problem, it didn’t really hurt, but it’s a bit alarming to find a lump in that region (DH checked it out and reassured me it was just a pimple). There’s one spot sort of at the juncture of thigh, rear end, and “lady bit area” that has a recurring problem with pimples, and those are painful, especially when the seam on jeans hits it.

Above the waist, second the ear (never had one in the ear canal, had some large and painful ones in the folds of the outer ear). Also the armpit, where a bra band hits. Ow.

You can’t have a story like that and not post the vid on YouTube with a link here. Just sayin…

On the inside of your lip.

Between your toes.

For annoyance factor, I agree (although the pain of nostril/top lip zits is top of the charts IMO). I have a semi-permanent one of those clogged pores that produce a very satisfying “worm” of gunk, but it’s right in the centre of my back, between the shoulderblades and only once have I managed to give it a full-on squeeze (and extract what looked like a large uncooked grain of rice). The rest of the time I can feel it, and maybe get a little bit of gunk once in a blue moon, but it’s just out of reach!

I know some people have supportive enough wives to help out with this sort of thing, but I don’t feel I could ask mine…

Above the waist: On my back along my spine where I can’t reach it.

Below the waist: I had one on my knee one time that was on The List Of 5 Most Annoyingly Painful Things Evar. I couldn’t wear long pants because the fabric irritated it, couldn’t walk easily, and couldn’t kneel. It was a national holiday when that thing finally popped.

Ask her to look at it, then try to squeeze it in her presence.

My husband takes the opposite approach. He always wants me to look at his zits, but he never wants me to remove the things. I’ve gotten to the point where I won’t look at one unless he agrees that I can remove it, if I think it needs to come out.

Sorry, it happened in 1996. You’ll just have to trust me… it made the afternoon.

In the nostril. Outer nose zits are annoying, unsightly, but your nose seems pretty equipped to deal with it. The inside of your nose isn’t used to having zits, or you squeezing and pulling to pop it. For some reason, it hurts extra bad.

For me, it would be on my chin. That means the zit is more underground and more resistant to squeezing. In fact, squeezing makes it grow until it feels like a hot marble and stings to the point of tearing up when I can finally pop it.

Ironically enough, yesterday I popped one on my wedding tackle. I’ll save the gory details for the next zit-popping thread.

Reminds me of a friend back in Texas. He got a zit on his penis, and his wife thought it was an STD or something and accused him of fooling around. But it really did turn out to be just a zit, as a doctor confirmed. However, it got the wife to paying a little more attention to my friend’s activities, and she discovered he really was fooling around. She’d hadn’t a clue before. They were eventually divorced, not just for that alone, but it sort of got the ball rolling, so to speak. So for him, it definitely was the worst place to get a zit.