I wouldn’t be as concerned if I could tell this is was a troll. However, with the amount of time dedicated to posts and how sincere he seems, there is no way this is a simple troll.
Anyway, I believe that Anthem(0) is probably the most pretentious person I’ve ever encountered. Its like he thinks he’s a goddamn alien making contact with apes. Holy fuck, I thought I had run the gamut of retarded people who don’t actually realize the bile spilling out of their mouth…But then I met Anthem(0).
Maybe these metaphysical theories would make more sense if saw all your whiteboards in mom’s basement.
Since a Google search on the term delivers this thread about halfway down the page, I think its safe to conclude that West. Civ. is not under immediate direct threat from whateverthefuck.
A link for anyone with a pesky few remaining functioning brain cells that they’d like to have killed off.
Just like the participants in the recent Summer O’ Racism, this guy doesn’t just glory in his stupidity, but deems it superior to all other forms of mentality. Stupid is better than smart!
I don’t know if I pit him so much as pity. To live in the prison that is his mind is a harrowing fate to say the least. Living insanely but all the while believing you to be utterly sane? Sounds like the premise of a twilight zone episode. Maybe that’s why he talks about returning to his own timeline.
I’ve encountered a lot of these Theory of Everything guys. Many of them aren’t trolls and are seriously deluded by their own ignorance. It’s honestly really sad. Massive overestimations of what they understand. Ask them questions and they dodge, weave, and bob. They use huge walls of text to obscure the fact that they don’t have any real answers.
As Karl Popper and Chris Hitchens said, “A theory that explains everything really explains nothing.”
He’s just a harmless loony. It would be hypocritical for me to fault people for engaging with him since I spent a fair amount of time engaging with kozmik. You won’t get anywhere though.
I’m just in it in hopes of learning how to cross infinity in 42 minutes. If there’s even a slim chance that it works, I may be able to apply it and actually finish my PhD someday.
I think you guys are looking at this in the wrong light. Sure, deluded, but lets just say you actually had one, and you wanted to present it to the smartest, hippest, pedantic snots in Known Space? Where else but the SDMB, the 4 Chan for Mensa!
There was a guy on the Bad Astronomy board, quite a few years ago, who had one of those insights. Phi ^ n = light. It was so very, very clear to him. To the rest of us, it was gibberish. He tried and he tried to explain it – can’t you see? – and the thread lasted forever.
Then we had our own guy, in General Questions, who didn’t get relativity… And the recent “Electric Sun” guy…
The inability of this breed of insanity to use language, terms, and jargon in the way that others do is one of the killer giveaways. When they talk about “vibrations” and “wavelengths,” for instance, but can’t tell you what is vibrating or what kind of waves.
I’m proud to be able to say that I’ve already forgotten the name of the douchebag behind the main Summer O’ Racism thread. Yay me! It was a Pit thread that ran around a hundred pages or so. Can’t remember the name of the thread, either.
Kozmik is a still-current member. Search for his user name. He had a big Pit thread a few months back as well, as well as a more recent “ask the conspiracy theorist” thread in one of the nicer fora.
Actually, he’s a garden variety (male, middle-aged) crackpot.
Has anybody tried scoring the guy using this index? Crackpot index A sampling: 2 points for every statement that is clearly vacuous.
5 points for each such statement that is adhered to despite careful correction.
10 points for each new term you invent and use without properly defining it.
50 points for claiming you have a revolutionary theory but giving no concrete testable predictions.
Even if you had the free time, that thread is probably pretty much unreadable, since several disparate threads were merged together and dumped/quarantined into that “omnibus” thread, which was renamed from it’s original title that was originally targeted towards a specific user who has since been banned.