It’s a typo. They’re really talking about YOU.
Well this for instance.
This was the truth.
Crude, but still the truth.
This rant was pale in comparison to some.
Nothing wrong with this that I can see.
I don’t like him either.
The “Obnoxious Teens at Burger King” thread was funny as hell…Who hasn’t seen everything he described?
Granted, none of these are very informative or educational thread starters, but if you don’t like them, why have a pit in the first place?I am not defending just him, but anyone who wants to say whatever they feel like saying. This board would get boring rather quickly if everyone agreed with one another don’t you think?
Also, I would like to clarify my statement earlier, to quote myself:
**Someone needs to put a few (NOT all) of you in your place. Devil May Care covered this well I think.**
By “covered”, I did not mean the ones listed, merely that there are some posters who should be taken down a few pegs.
Was it just me, or could anyone else see DMC making the little “W” with his fingers as he posts this??
I notice you left me out of your little pissfest. Am I not cliqueish enough for you?
Do my threads not get enough replies to be part of the board illuminati?
Who are you anyway? You turn up out of nowhere and start to shit on the posters in a thread that has nothing to do with you. So, quite simply, take the one trick pony you rode in on, turn it sideways, shine it up real nice and ram it.
Howgoesit, you missed the point. Sure, the OP’s that Bossk posts are generally mild (if usually pointless, which is easily forgiveable). HOWEVER, what you are missing is how Bossk reacts to people who disagree with him.
Look back at his Batman thread. He posted an opinion, that being “Batman sucked”. A “certain someone” disagreed with 'im. How, pray tell, did he react to people disagreeing with him? He started his whole lashing-out routine (as I described earlier).
The other threads you listed? He posted, then didn’t return. This is known as “hit-and-run”, a tactic used by people who just like to start a lot of threads for the sole purpose of starting thread. This is just plain rude.
There’s a difference between “saying what you are feeling” and being tactless, rude, and juvenile.
Except… Who is Devil May Care (or you, or Bossk) to tell us what our place is? We’ve been doing the Straight Dope thing for a long time. Trust me… we’re quite sure what “our place” is.
Damn. I’m never gonna be able to cover everything that happened whilst I was sleeping. Are you going to yell at me now for not responding fast enough? Or how about while I’m at work today? (My point here is that large passages of time without a response are probably indicative of people sleeping, working or otherwise having a life.)
Let me first clear up the misconception that I’m defending Bossk. I’m simply stating my opinion that his tyrants are no more disgusting than some of the things that you all do that I think are disgusting. No matter what anyone says, there’s always going to be someone who doesn’t like it. Period.
As for where did I come from…? I’ve been around. Why don’t you do one of those nice little thread searches that you’r so adept at?
Why didn’t I start my own thread to complain about the clique (and no it’s not a typo thank you <insert Dijon Warlock type sarcasm)? Because I didn’t want to make EVERYONE at the boards read about it. And I felt that the people I wanted to have see it would hit this thread. See, for as much as the clique exists, you’re a small portion of the posters, so I didn’t want to afflict the innocent with this. As for the existence of the clique, those who are in cliques ususally don’t have a clue that it’s alive and that they are a part of it. And as I said, you’re a small fraction of the posters, so therefore not noticed by those who tend to stay in GQ and GD (every once in a while gracing CS).
With regard to my claim that you “run to the Mods”, I didn’t mean that you litterally said “Mods come save me from this wretched beast”. But by make a few statements questioning why he hasn’t been banned, or suggesting that it won’t be long, you’re basically doing just that.
Ginger, there’s a fine line between having a heathly self-esteem and being a snob. Please search for it.
Twist, no I didn’t “make the little w” with my hands when I said “WHAT-THE-FUCK-EVER”. Nor did I intend it with a valley girl dialect.
Weirddave: No, I’m not self-righteous and feeling the need to put others down to make my self feel better. I simply wanted those who are bitching about one poster to know that not everyone things they are all that great either. Which is part of why I didn’t start my own thread. And thanks for stooping to a level below mine by telling me to kill myself. That was very classy.
The reason I won’t leave the boards since I dislike the clique so much is because, as I stated, they are a small fraction of the whole.
I’ve defended myself as much as I care to, so now I’ll warn you guys… I’m not planning on making another appearance in this thread, so don’t get all bent out of shape when I don’t come back to defend the rest of the flames you’ll surely throw my way.
I’ll bet you do.
DAMN…Once again, I gotta say that I side with DMC on this.
Devil May Care, thanks for your “perfect thread for all to see.” No, I don’t think you’re full of yourself. And I don’t think you should shove that wagging finger up your ass, Well, maybe a little. Okay, a lot. And thanks for “warning” everyone that you won’t be back. Right. You’ll be back, you ignorant little pissant, because you’re the self-appointed arbiter on how people should react to fuckwads like bossk. We shouldn’t be “his tyrants.”
Instead of instructing Ginger, who is one of the sweetest and least offensive posters on the board, on the difference between self-esteem and snobbery, look up the word “tyrant”, you illiterate cretin.
howgoesit, thanks for your help in taking some of us down a few pegs. The world is a kinder, gentler place now that we have you to guide us. Don’t forget to clean your keyboard occassionally. The drool could cause a short, and you’ll have to ask Dad for an advance on your allowance to buy another.
Yes, yes. And once you’ve been here a year and made friends - possibly seeing them IRL also - and experienced the endless glut of newcomers who tell us how we should be behaving then piss off after a couple of weeks. Once you’ve seen enough people you know and respect slated by some nut-job with a chip on his shoulder for the world. Once you’ve simply had a bloody chance to experience how this whole thing actually works… well maybe then you’ll agree with us instead.
Until then, you will excuse me if I don’t give a flying fuck if you “side with DMC”.
Oh, I am slain!
Have we all forgotten what our Kindergarten teacher told us? Hmmm? You know, the part where “If Johnny is teasing you, ignore him, and he will go away”?
Bossk doesn’t bother me. A lot of the things he says are funny. A lot of his comments are not. Just like other people here.
It seems to me, that when you berate him in a public forum, such as this, you are: a) Feeding his need for attention, and b) Lowering yourselves to his level.
If he is bothering everyone so terribly, why not try and have him banned?
kabbes- I have been lurking about here for several months, I believe that gives me some insight into your personalities…Enough that I can’t believe you just made that statement.
Slip Mahoney- Funny, I was about to register 2 days ago when i saw that YOU in fact had a rather flaming thread…I wish that I had, so that you would not think I am being a jerk now. When I say that “A few of you need to be knocked down a few pegs”, I do not mean you, or anyone on this thread. In fact, there are only 2 or 3 that need to get a swift kick in the ass on this board. I don’t like calling names in a public forum, but however, I will give you my worst offender: SavedByJesus. My other favorite has since been banned, and there is no point in rehashing past grievances.
Perhaps the “clique” stigma comes from the way newbies are treated. Instead of taking their opinions in stride, attacks are waged.
SPOOFE has been kind enough to state his case, explain facts, etc. for which I am grateful. Someone should pat him on the back.
Perhaps you should mention the above quote to these guys SPOOFE.
Devil May care teed off, and you went into your “me, too” mode. Twice.
But it had nothing to do with anybody in this thread. It was about SavedByJesus and somebody that got banned. Yeah.
Thanks for the clarification. And for your honesty.
I think BossK is crude and crass, and I am not a fan, or I guess I should say I dont care either way, but baiting the guy, demanding his opinion, and then becoming incensed just seems like asking for it. So what if he thinks Ginger’s unattractive? Judging from his previous posts, he seems to like the very clean-cut, elegant, classy type beauty. Maybe
he doesnt think Ginger is his idea of attractive-although that certainly seems to be at odds with his board personality. So what?
I think I’m pretty, too, but if I post my pic and invite everyone on the board to review it, there are some who would think I am unattractive. Same goes for Ginger. Thats because beauty is subjective. Of course, he should have kept his mouth shut if his opinion was less than favorable,
but we all know thats not what this guy’s about.
People, dont throw a dog a bone and then become indignant when he picks it up and brings it back. Just dont keep throwing it…
For those of you who enjoy the asinine and juvenile diarrhea of the mind that Bossk tries to pass off as humor, I’ve got a suggestion for you: Why don’t you try starting a message board over at I’m sure you’ll find more like-minded individuals over there.
Still, I think people get more pissed off at his insults than they should. He’s just So. Fucking. Stupid.
I think he’s trying to troll, but his schtick is so weak he comes off more as an annoying pissant. Someone has already mentioned SavedByJesus. Now there was a high quality type troll. Go over to that thread BBoy and take some notes.
The other possibility is that Bossie really is that fucking stupid. If this is true then I feel for his mother. She must live in shame.
Hi. Welcome to the Straight Dope Message Board. This isn’t kindergarten. This is where we fight Ignorance. Bossk is Ignorance.
Good for you. But he bothers a lot of other people. People who actually give a shit about the message board.
And that’s where we’re in disagreement. The general consensus has been that he’s just talking for the sake of talking, and being abusive to those who don’t disagree with him.
And I disagree. See, that is a tactic to take if you assume that the poster in question is a troll. As of yet, I have not assumed Bossk to be a complete troll. Just a guy with bad communication skills and a massive chip on his shoulder.
Because it’s not our job to decide if a person is to be banned or not. It’s just our job to call someone out if they act like an ass.
I’ve asked this already, and for some reason you’ve chosen to ignore it: What evidence do you have that “attacks are waged”?. Out of the dozens and dozens of new posters we get every week, almost all of them have been accepted and welcomed with open arms.
Know why I - and a lot of other people - don’t like Bossk? It’s not because he’s a newbie, pal… it’s because he’s - surprise! - acting like an asshole! So what’s the moral of the story? Don’t act like an asshole!
There’s a difference between saying “I don’t give a fuck what you say on a message board” and insulting a person for his or her physical appearance. There’s a difference between making allusions to immaturity - again, based on one’s post - and trying to mock someone for their personal writings that have nothing to do with the board.
That is the difference between Bossk and the other posters. They make judgments and insults based on a person’s behavior on the boards. Bossk is so insecure he needs to go outside the boards in a vain effort to “dig up dirt” on a person, for the sole purpose of getting at someone on a personal level. In message board etiquette, that is equivalent to “hitting below the belt”. After all, even in the Pit, there are rules and lines that aren’t to be crossed. Further, Bossk carries his petty grudges into all other threads, constantly looking for opportunities to snipe at someone.
Thank you for seeing the honesty slip.
Sorry for the confusion, howgoesit, but I thought it was obvious that I was being sarcastic.
So says YOU !!!
<------taking handcuffs out of autoclave, wrapping them in sterile paper for the next time. Tee hee.
Okay, look, I adore a nice pile-on. I think this demi-human is getting us right where we live. He’s not ban-worthy, but he sure is Pit-Worthy. I say we do a weekly thread here, discussing his most disgusting words of the previous seven days. Yes?
Who, specifically? And are you volunteering?
<sigh> Never mind, you answered that. Strike that. Reverse it. Thank you.
And I’m still at a loss as to how Devil May Care and howgoesit can defend someone who arbitrarily and without provokation takes pot-shots at people, let alone act indignant when those he swipes take the time to defend themselves.