Your 10 Worst Movies of the Decade

He could read the phone book in front of a white wall and I’d pay $10 to see it if he were topless. Rawr!

I can’t believe I forgot Click. What a horrible movie.

Also: Dude where’s my car is stupid as fuck but still entertaining

  1. Gladiator
  2. Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
  3. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
  4. Transformers (a.k.a. Plan 10 from Outer Space)
  5. Grindhouse (Planet Terror, anyway; the rest is at least watchable)
  6. The Curse of the Jade Scorpion
  7. Saw (it’s difficult for me to believe that the 5 sequels are worse)
  8. Planet of the Apes
  9. For Your Consideration (like listening to your drunk uncle tell the same joke five times - each more emphatically than the last - at the dinner table)
  10. Ma mère

Dishonorable mentions: King Kong, Crash, Cold Mountain (good soundtrack though), The Manchurian Candidate, X-Men 3: The Last Stand, The Black Dahlia, Jindabyne, Sweeney Todd.

I agree with most other people’s assessments of the most terrible movies of the year. But I wanted to add one that I haven’t seen mentioned yet–The Box. It had an interesting idea, and some genuinely creepy parts at the beginning. Then those creepy parts became hilarious (I’m thinking of the scene in the library) and a potentially interesting morality/conspiracy tale became a half-baked sci-fi mess. Ugh. I considered walking out, but finishing the film was just barely better than sitting alone at home.

Hard to put these in order, although* The Cat in the Hat* is the worst.

The Cat in the Hat
Master of Disguise
Perfect Stranger
The Love Guru
The Lady in the Water
Righteous Kill
88 minutes
Across the Universe
Meet the Spartans

ETA: You can’t stop at ten. I forgot The Spirit, but I’m not taking anything off to include it.

This is tough for me, because I try very hard to avoid watching bad movies. I wait until the reviews are in before committing my movie-going dollars. Even so, I have caught a few stinkers on cable. (Fewer in theaters.) The ten worst I actually saw:

Wild Hogs
The Number 23
The Matrix Reloaded
The Matrix: Revolutions
Click - I stupidly believed reviewers who gave this one at least a moderately good rating.
The New World - A muddled mess, and a huge disappointment to me. I had been looking forward to seeing a film treatment of the Jamestowne Colony.
The Zodiac - I only watched it because I initially mistook it for Zodiac, a much better (but still not so great) movie
Say It Isn’t So - This wants to be a Farrelly Brothers movie. But it isn’t. It so isn’t.
The Cat in the Hat - Mike Myers mugging his way through some awful dialog.
Little Nicky - Dragged to this one by a lady friend who (inexplicably) is a huge fan of Adam Sandler.

I like Reloaded too, especially the freeway chase scene.

Don’t call, don’t write

I can’t help but think that some of these are beyond the worst movies of the decade, but 90 years from now will be on the worst list of the century, and 990 years from now a chosen couple will make it to the worst of the millenium list.

Oh, I forgot something. How many movies did Will Farrell make this decade? Put them all on my list.

Off the top of my head:

  • GI Joe Rise of the Cobra
  • The Matrix Reloaded
  • The Matrix Revolutions
  • Superman Returns
  • The Black Dahlia
  • Anything with Ben Stiller, Will Farrell and Sasha Cohen Baron
  • Anything with Jennifer Aniston and George Clooney
  • Spiderman 3
  1. The New World
  2. Taking Lives
  3. Fahrenheit 9/11
  4. The Number 23
  5. Tallendaga Nights
  6. all of the Matrix Sequels which came out this decade
  7. The Happening
  8. 10,000 BC
  9. Walk Hard the Dewey Cox Story
  10. Date Movie - I was once bet $20 that I couldn’t watch this movie in one sitting. I lost that bet, and later on made the same bet with a friend who also lost it.

and for the record, I really liked Dude Where’s My Car, The Day After Tomorrow, Saw (although part 4 is an honorable mention for this list), Super Troopers, There Will Be Blood and No Country for Old Men.

and I actually saw Rocky & Bullwinkle in theaters. It was bad, but not bottom of the decade bad.

The Happening
Across the Universe
For Your Consideration
The Wicker Man
Ghost Rider (Fuck you, Nic Cage!).
Scoop (A movie so bad I had to look it up because I blanked it completely from my memory).
The Grudge
Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones

The worst movie of the decade, and possibly of the 21st century, is Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith.

Movies where I went home afterward feeling like crap for watching them:

  1. The Mist–I hate apocalypse movies. Hate them. They aren’t scary, they’re just depressing.
  2. Alexander–As I watched this, I kept thinking “can this movie just end so I can go home, please?”
  3. Dark Water–Depressing, not-scary movie. Also saw it in a theater filled with morons who wouldn’t shut up.
  4. The Black Dahlia–Watched it with my first boyfriend. We got through about 45 minutes of it, and were bored to tears. Then we found out we had like an hour and a half left or something, and we were just like “oh, fuck this.”
  5. Saw–I hate it when movies put in plot twists just for the sake of having plot twists, no matter how implausible they are.
  6. Hostel–Dumb, dumb movie.
  7. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest and At World’s End–Bring competent, clever Jack Sparrow back, filmmakers!
  8. Pay it Forward–neat idea, terrible execution. And wtf, random tear-jerking?
  9. Borat–Cringe comedy at its worst. I felt like my stomach was trying to claw its way up my throat.
  10. Matrix Revolutions–not any good, and gave me a headache to boot.

Wow, I think Attack of the Clones was a lot worse. Revenge of the Sith wasn’t amazing, but it had moments.

Clones had maybe 20 minutes of quality. Revenge had about 40 minutes, perhaps.

Both disappointing.

You can get up and leave in the middle of the movie too, you know. :wink:

My trouble with compiling a list of bad movies I’ve seen - and I’ve seen some stinkers - is that I try to scrub my memory of them immediately after the leaving the theater. The ones that unfortunately I remember seeing are:

  1. Norbit
  2. Dance Flick
  3. Matrix II
  4. GI Joe Rise of the something or other
  5. Transformers
  6. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
  7. Electra
  8. Tropic Thunder
  9. Wild Hogs
  10. Couples Retreat.

Movies tend to blend together as to when they were made, but I only walked out of one movie this decade that I recall. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow was a high concept disaster. A sterile, emotionless movie where nothing felt remotely real.

I was so bored that I fell asleep even though I had taken a rare nap that day.

Cat in the Hat, only saw it 'cause I have a kid.

Transformers 2, possibly the most inept big-budget Hollywood production ever.

Knocked Up, only movie I walked out of this decade, walked out when I realized the kid would have been better off dying in utero than being born to these people.

The Village, movies where hot chicks are sleeping in the pool, or where people try to outrace the wind have a lot more going for them than this borefest.

I was one of the few who enjoyed Transformers. I was excited for Transformers 2 and walked out of it very unhappy. I rewatched Transformers the other night and thought it was terrible. 2 sucked so bad that it tainted the first one for me.

Transformers 2
Land of the Dead
Dumb and Dumberer

I’m sure there’s more, but those are what stood out.


I can watch some horrible stuff, and can be pretty forgiving about it. Cloverfield however was so awful, I could only tolerate it for about a half hour.

It was simply so BAD, I couldn’t tolerate it.