"24" Season 2, Episode 22 - 5:00 a.m. - 6:00 a.m. (SPOILERS)

And, come to think of it, Jack might be an accessory.

Actually no: CALIFORNIA: If circumstances would lead reasonable person to believe that he is in danger of death or great bodily harm, retreat is not necessary before killing in self-defense against an attack. People v Turner, 269 P. 204 (Cal. 1928).

/evil thought mode on/

Season 3 subplot, Kim likes it so much,she becomes a serial killer

/evil thought mode off/

I will say that when she shot evil dad I screamed FINALLY

Did anyone see what Angry Dad snagged out of the base of the lamp? It was in a baggie. Was it a powdery substance? That seemed an unusual move to film unless it is somehow significant.

I thought it was just to establish 1) that he was a bad guy drug dealer/user and 2) that he had a reason to come back to the house.

stolichnaya, according to the Fox 24 site, he “packs money, a passport and a stash of drugs.”

I agree with you that it seems a little odd to film this if it didn’t mean something.

Looked like a standard bag o’ pot (personal stash variety) to me, though it was never shown clearly enough to sure. It looked dark and leafy rather than white and powery to me. But perhaps that’s what they want us to think…

As for the collapsing ceiling–yes it can happen. If your attic isn’t floored, and you step between the rafters, you could fall through. It’s just drywall.

I thought she got up into the attic awful quick…and pulled the ladder up after her? And found something to hit him with? And find a hiding place in the attic?

I thought that was stretching it a bit.

I stand corrected. Lucky for Kim the show isn’t set in New York. :slight_smile:

Or Massachussetts.

I don’t think it’s possible to fold up that kind of attic steps from inside the attic. Certainly not in the time Kim had.

What did Kim hit Bad Dad with when he went up the ladder?

Is he alive or dead now?

This actually happened to my grandfather once – he was up in his attic fetching something and accidentally backed onto an unfloored portion of the attic. Wounded his pride more than anything else. :slight_smile:

Max–I liked that commercial too. And it’s the first time I’ve heard of that ‘heating’ version of KY. I’d like to try it out with the actress in the ad. Or maybe she could get a role in ‘24’. Her line, “That’ll work,” was definitely hot enough.

And did anyone else notice Keifer’s voiceover on another ad that ran during the show? I think it was for MCI or something like that.

About the show:

I loved the contrast between the political machinations and dysfunction going on in Washington and the fast-paced, direct, effective actions taken by Jack. And Jack seems to have had some influence on Tony and Michelle in CTU, because suddenly they’re cutting through the red tape and making things happen. Now if only we could see Michelle bitchslap her nemesis.

“Shoot him again” was a great line.

I loved that Jack left Sherry bleeding out her gut to chase after the sound guy.

Finally evil dad/bad husband is dead, deader than the bad guys in Friday the 13th movies, so I think we can be confident he won’t bounce back to cause more trouble.

And how about Kate in a bubble bath when she answered the phone? I’m thinking she had to take over Kim’s eye-candy role while Kim was actually doing something good. Clearly the two of them are going to get into a big fix in the next couple episodes, probably being held hostage or in imminent danger in Jack’s showdown with Kingsley.

I’m wondering how they’re going to restore Palmer to office. Will cabinet members recant when Jack proves that Prescott is in league with Kingsley? Or is this going to evolve over next season?

What about Ensign Roe? Perhaps she’ll recover next season in order to reveal the illegal steps taken by Mike and thus precipitating his downfall.

And I hate the Chappelle character, so I’m glad he was incapacitated, but I wish Tony had cold-cocked him instead of a wimpy chloroform rag. But then, that would have been more Jack’s style.

So where (and to whom) is the sound effects guy running? Will he provide the next link in the unraveling of the conspiracy? If not, he’ll have to stay alive to testify so that Jack can prove the recordings were faked.

Overall, a very good show, with lots of significant action this episode.

That quantity is really not a lot of drugs to risk coming back to your house for, especially if it was pot. I guess if he was coming back for the passport, why not grab the dope, I don’t know it just struck me as odd. Maybe he’s such a junkie that he needs it NOW, but why would you want drugs on you if you’re already on the run to somewhere where you intend to present a passport?

Where DID that sound guy go? It looked like the tunnel behind the pin-up girl poster in “Shawshank Redemption.” Some secret cave hide-away or something?

I don’t think Kim would have had to have worried about shooting Evil Dad regardless of the jurisdiction. I doubt any DA would have pressed charges against a man who had:

  1. already killed his wife
  2. abused his daughter
  3. killed a law enforecement officer
  4. tried to kill another person (i.e. Kim)

Not to mention that Kim has some pretty strong connections in the law enforcement world.

I also think that Kim hit Evil Dad with a circular saw.

I think I want to get a job for CTU regardless of the danger because that government organization certainly seems to hire the best looking women around.

My new nickname for Kim is Jennifer 9. Just when you think she couldn’t get any blonder…

And what, pray tell, is wrong with the teachers in the Boston Public School system?