Apparently "Bones" is back. Do we care?

You missed the best part(s) -

Bone’s crying over a victim
Said Spirit of the victim waving goodbye at the end of the episode
The ‘ghost’ fades between scenes.
A hidden Video recording in an MP3 collection.
How deadly accurate the Angelatron has become in facial reconstruction.

The last two episodes were awards-show nomination episodes. They’re emotionally manipulative and are about stuff that no one can ever be against. Next week’s will probably feature a cancer victim or some such.

And, yeah, the technology is veering toward Star Trek territory. It’s getting ridiculous.

Got a new super-bad guy of the magnitude of the Gravedigger. He stole all Hodgins’ money, but he’s not dead. Cam put on a little weight, lookin’ good, not anorexic any more. I’m still watching. Anyone else?

Not new. He played the super-smart bad guy in several eps last year.

Considering that they started with the magic 3D hologram projector in the first season, we never left ridiculous.

That must have been during the extended period when I wasn’t paying attention.

Okay, maybe I just like looking at Cam. That might be it.

What the heck? One week we’re goofing off doing stupid dance moves and acting silly and the next we’re back to “serious business”. This show is really starting to hack me off.

And I’m all like - well, duh!:smiley:

Any one else think he’d be a much better villain if he wasn’t SO frucking perfect? Everything he does always works out, even when it doesn’t work out (like when they caught him and suddenly he was some other guy, wha?) Oh well, at least he got shot in the face and that didn’t work out too well looks like.

He was caught by the FBI and would have been prosecuted and probably imprisoned for a million years. However, he somehow made his US identity and background vanish. Simultaneously he created a phony identity as a foreign most wanted criminal so he could be transferred to their custody. From which he subsequently escaped.

His plan worked perfectly.

I stopped caring at the end of the Gormogon arc. I know there was a writers’ strike, but that was just pathetic. “Oh, the real killer was some old man we’ve never seen and don’t know. His name - oh, who cares, let’s make it Killy McKillerson.” (Note: some of the previous may be exaggerated). If the showrunners let crap like this get on the air, they obviously don’t care so why should I?

Also the show was becoming more about the sexual tension than about the cases.

Ok… One more gripe.

This week they talked about what they wanted for arrangements when they die. Hogins said he wanted to be put on a ship and sent into the sun. Now… last week, he lost all his money. Yet there was no mention of “guess I can’t do that anymore since I’m broke”. It was like they forgot last week’s episode. Do they film them in random order then play them back any way they want or is there supposed to be a through-line?

I know that, the WAH was befuddlement at the writers of the show thinking such shenanigans would ever fly.

I don’t know if this is a case of it, but networks notoriously tend to muck with intended air orders. A perfect example was last year with Bones’ spinoff the Finder. That was shown completely out of order.

This may be the best:

" thought last season was pretty lame. I’ll watch this season, but it has to get way better for me to keep watching. "

I didn’t like it last year, so I’ll watch another 13 hours, but then if I still don’t like it…

I’m a week behind on the DVR. I’m really starting to lose interest even more. The return of the Pelant (?) guy just reminds me of how badly they screwed up the last time he was on. Made me POed the whole episode.

Again, yet another episode full of fail. The body was placed in a “canopy” that was basically a hammock. Somehow the body stayed in perfect position for a perfect picture that Angela was able to perfectly line up using just slide projectors.

Cerberus knew the who killed one of their guys. Presumably could get a bunch of pictures. Never bothered to send around a notice to employees asking “Have any of you seen this guy? Like sitting at the desk next to you?” Pleeeze.

Why do I keep watching this???

As to episode order: They’ve been showing things out of order. One of the most notable recent examples was the one shown on Veterans Day which had been held back so it could be aired on that date.

Especailly since Pelant would be the guy that just started showing up a couple of days ago and that no one remembers hiring.

If you figure it out, let me know. :frowning: I might do it because I like looking at Cam. Lame, I know.

Recent episodes of Bones are pretty good. Baby nonsense is over. Techie purists are still going to be annoyed, but at least they’re back to just investigating regular cases like they used to. Cam still has that rockin’ bod and great wardrobe-- seems to be past her anorexic phase.

In the mid 90’s I was attending The Ohio State University, and wanted to major in forensic pathology/osteology/anthropology. They had no such major, and not too many courses available.
I got no reply after applying to be a morgue tech (the app was as thick as a phone book).

I read many books from the field, and was captivated. I learned that it’s very infrequent that skeletal remains are found these days, and even when they are, there is a very small group that usually investigates these things.

“Bones” is apparently about some of the things mentioned before, and then some shitty sit-com like goofy romance crap.

The main character supposedly investigates things that I was going to base my life on, yet… I’d rather drag my dick across a cheese grater than watch five minutes of that contrived bullshit.

Dnooman, so…you’ve never actually watched the program? WTG, with that informed opinion. Very scientific of you.

P.S. It’s not THAT bad.