Dude, you are really creeping me out. I’d even go so far as to say you squick me. That’s a fairly impressive feat, as I don’t recall a time in recent memory when someone has given me such a yicky vibe in person, let alone on a message board.
About 1 out of every 10 threads you start involves sex. But not just sex- sex mixed with themes of violence, voyeurism, and women tied up against their will. Even your screen name is suggestive of these themes- Evil Captor.
I think what’s most creepy is that you seem to be fishing for the board to help you make a catologue of good wanking material while trying to dress up your posts as intellectual inquiry or simple discussion. At least 3 threads actually directly suggest this as your intent in the OP. The obsessiveness and repetitiveness makes me wonder if somehow this is part of the fetish for you- getting ordinary and usually cerebral people to play into your fantasy world and contribute to your sexual doings without their knowledge. What a sneaky naughty boy you are!
What’s your malfunction? And what’s up with using the SDMB to catologue your jollies? There are PLENTY of bondage /porn/ fetish boards out there, many of which could answer these questions far better given the poster population. What’s the obsession with doing this here specifically? And yes, we get it- you are an expert on bondage and you looooooooves the porn. :rolleyes:
Man, you are one creepy cat.
What familiar movie/tv scenes would be better with nudity and why?
“Oh, yeah. Also, the scene where Yellow Bastard has her tied up and is whipping her.”
Earliest nudity and sex in mainstream TV/movies
“…working on a chart detailing the earliest bondage scenes in the movies and on TV, and it’s been great fun…Tina’s was a stick held in with rope behind her neck as she’s kidnapped by Evil Captors”
*OK, as far as bondage scenes go, I’m particularly interested in the period of 1850-1920. I have very little info for that period in the resources I have at the moment."
Hey comic fans, why all the hate for sexiness in comics and toons?
“I would argue that the market for sexy imagery for teens is seriously underfilled, that there may be a lot of, um, pent-up demand for it.”
“Anyway, this is the most important topic ever debated on the Dope, so there”
An Immodest Proposal: Reverse Censorship
“I’ve written a number of reviews of movies and TV shows which contain bondage scenes – generally, lamenting how short and badly done they were. For example, wouldn’t “Single White Female” be a much better flick if, in the big scene with the lead tied to a chair by her whacky roommate, she’d been naked and had a huge rack?”
“And what about the “Planet of the Slavegirls” episode of the old Buck Rogers TV show? It was completely lacking in slavegirls. I could fix that, boy howdy, I could fix that. I could include NAKED slavegirls.”
Sexiest non-sex scene since the sixties
“we had all these scenes of a half-naked, wailing, shreking, woman doing some SERIOUS writhing as she got closer and closer to the saw, so close that the saw would start cutting the log and as the woman shreiked louder and writhed even more vigorously, a huge shower of sawdust would erupt from between her legs as the saw started cutting the log. Then the good guys would hitch the switch as the woman slumped in grateful release. Then the bad guys would hit the switch and the whole process would start over again. And lest we miss the point, a lot of Walley’s sawmill scenes were shot with a Heaving Breast Cam, it’s viewpoint fixed just above her head, so that we see her heaving breasts and writhing thighs and then we see the sawdust erupt like fireworks from between her legs. This is undoubtedly the most imaginative use of the old “tied to the log in a sawmill” cliche I have ever seen in my life”
SF that uses new tech for kinky purposes
“I saw Strange Days and I did like it, mainly because Juliet Lewis runs around virtually nekkid throughout the movie … buy I do remember that virtual rape thing … now that you’ve brought it up.”
Threads in question
Comic fans, what’s the straight dope on the history of sex in comics?
Hey comic fans, why all the hate for sexiness in comics and toons?
Thongs vs. nudity or "What’s the deal with naughty bits?
An Immodest Proposal: Reverse Censorship
Earliest nudity and sex in mainstream TV/movies
Which TV series would you like to see revived as an HBO series (w/sex and nudity)?
Why is Thursday nite Sex Nite on TV?
When did the Olympics get nekkid?
Historical reality of French Maid & Slavegirl Costumes
Film and TV history buffs: help with firsts in bondage article
SF that uses new tech for kinky purposes
Actresses whose careers you’d like to see tank so they would do porn
Which female comedians are hotties, judging by their stage persona?
Sexiest non-sex scene since the sixties
Chobits, or What’s the deal with those sexy female computers in anime?
Auction Site that Handles Adult Materials?