Help me be all cool and ass-kicky

Ok, a new picture here

But then you could use the hairballs as ammunition…

Interestingly enough, that is one of my goals in life.

Good god! I simply have got to learn to set goals better than I do!

Topaz, the new photo ain’t loading. (Maybe my computer for all I know…)

Close. But the sandals really add a contrast (therefore a coolness) to the ensemble.

You’re well on your way topaz :wink:

Pssst. When do we tell her she’s going to get rolled for listening to us?

Ha. If she follows directions, and walks down the street holding a shaven, sideways cat, nobody can touch her. A shaved cat is a creature truly full of fury. Now imagine holding it sideways. Untouchable fury.

Works now, thanks! Cool pic! I hate to contradict greenback, but the boots kinda give it a Christopher Robin vibe, which is pretty cool. (Although the urban toughs may not think so. But that leads us back to being all ass-kickey. Signed up for jiu jitsu yet? You won’t regret it.)

You’ve got to wait a while, I think. Maybe 5-10 minutes.

Maybe the cat can hold the gun sideways?

I mean, if a girl came walking toward me wearing knee high black boots, mickey mouse pants and a sombero, holding a shaved cat who’s holding a sideways gun, I’d be impressed.

Don’t forget about smoking, and maybe change the sombrero to a sailor’s cap.

Oooooooh. I like where you’re going! But might the sailor’s cap be a little too, oh let’s say, Village People-ish?
p.s. I love the cat in that second drawing…it just doesn’t have a clue.

Come now. It has to be a fedora. Indiana Jones is the epitome of cool.

Of all people js_africanus, you should appreciate the level of toughness of wearing sandals in a michigan winter.

I always…I mean my friend always gets awkward looks from wearing sandals all year round.
And the cat should be holding a mouse which should be holding a piece of cheese shaped like a gun.

Ack. I already drew the sailors cap here Fedora coming next! If I could figure out what the hell it is…:wink:

Oh… the link is not working because I put a fullstop at the end.

This is the one. And you have to wait a little while if it doesn’t work.


I think you’re damn cool already! Great drawings. I gotta go with the fedora, too though!

Your cat only has one eye ? That’s cool.

Yep, he lost it in a night fight:D

My abilities are a little faded by now, but isn’t that the character for “death” on that sailor hat??
You’ve stricken upon another way to be cool; become a pirate. It’s every guy’s secret desire. At least, it’s mine.

Oh. HAHA. It’s an anchor. :rolleyes:
Stupid me! :smack:
If that bottom line was flat, and if I’m remembering right, that’s the Japanese character for “death.”
But I may be remembering wrong, it’s been a while.

Yarrr… Tis an anchor.

OMG, Yes!!! I had forgotten this brilliant style of ass-kicki-ness, but definitely, Boot to the Head!

Topaz, trust me, it’s all in how you carry yourself. A low voice, high heels, and mastery of the wink will win most days. You just need the sideways cat for the off days.