I hate when I do that in the MMP! - old

For the last couple of days, and for reasons I cannot fathom, I have been biting the inside of my lower lip when I eat. It hurts like @&^#$@)%* and yet I keep doing it. Don’t know what leads to it, but I HATE IT!!!

I expect we all find ourselves doing stuff that hurts or costs money or breaks something, stuff over which we don’t seem to have any control. Right? I’m not alone here!! I hate when that happens…

Like after 2 great mornings of sleeping in, I wake at 3-stoopit-30 in the AM. But I digress.

Happy Moanday!! Dammit.

First! It’s good to be juvenile!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 49 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 64 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. Definite Fall weather for these parts. Today I shall actually do stuff. Well, some stuff. I need to call the pharmacy and re-up two prescriptions and then go pick them up. Whilst out, I shall make a run to :astonished:Wally*World :astonished: for some needed items. Then I shall need to accomplish nappage to revive myself from the trauma of it all. This evenin’ is men’s night over to the church house. We shall head over early(ish) to do setup etal. That’s enough for one day, right?

MOOOOOOM I sometimes do that when I eat. Annoys me to no end! I also bump one or the other hand on doorways as I enter/leave rooms at an alarmin’ rate. I cannot make a graceful entrance apparently.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, alas, alack, and bother of all bothers, I suppose I must needs purtify and don attire acceptable for bein’ amongst the great unwashed. The agony of it all!

Happy Moanday Y’all!

And let’s not forget when we think something is supposed to happen today but it’s not till next week - like my social security deposit. It’s even on my calendar that it’s next week, but I was sure it was today. Dammit.

Sometimes I hate my brain! :stuck_out_tongue:

My SS deposits the fourth Wednesday. OYKW’s deposits the first Moanday. Sump’n to do with birth dates or when Saturn intersects with Venus, or some such nonsense.

My SS is 4th Weds also (tho it shows up in my account on the Moanday before) and FCD’s is the 2nd Weds (same Moanday deal.) I don’t know why I thought it was due today - especially when I was looking at the calendar yesterday thinking how long it was between SS and pension (which is last working day of the month.)

Just a massive brainfart. Yeah, I hate when that happens.

Morning, mumpers! It’s currently 8c/46f with a predicted high of 10c/50f, and cloudy. Weather app says “All of the fucking clouds can go and fuck all the way off.” Weather app is not impressed by clouds then. Looks fine out there to me, it’s dry which is fine by me because I have to go out and about amongst the Great Unwashed.

I hate it when I scrape my shoulder on a particular door handle in the house. Some of our doors have handles that are quite high up, and for some reason there’s one specific one that I never open wide enough, so I end up scraping my shoulder on the handle. I know I just need to open it a bit wider, but I never do.

Working from home today, highlight of the day will be my lunchtime trip into town for a flu shot. The plus side is that I can pick up lunch from our favourite Indian place. Veg samosa and chicken tikka wrap is in my future!

Mornin’ all. Almost dawn here after an hour of balconatin’ in the cool. Last hour was 69/20 (snerk), the latest report is 68/20, with a projected high of 80/27. Definitely the first day-ish of Fall. Almost cloudless skies & the few stars were pretty. I dressed for the beach but may not have the bravery to go in the chill until mid-morning. Which has political implications around here. Other than that and a couple phone calls, have no real plans du jour.

I hate it when …

  • I bite my lip, which raises a welt which makes biting the same spot more likely.
  • I almost fit through a wide-open doorway and collide with the jamb. Despite being skinny.
  • I’m trying to do some task silently and some object clanks into something else.
  • Hop in the car to go to X then make a turn as if going to Y instead.

My SS should be third Wed but not until Nov they tell me. Which seems a month late for a Oct 1 start but we’ll know for sure in a couple days.

Turning to the last of yesterday’s MMPs:

Her Ladyship has a closet-ful of 4" heels & sandals. Which is all her small feet could ever handle. Plus a couple of 6" with a 2" platform, so 4" rise. Most of which predate me, so I didn’t need to pay for them, but do still get to look at her and them in combination. Win! I’ve not walked into a lamppost for her, but that’s mostly because I’m usually walking the same way she is. But often a few feet behind for some reason. :grin: :leer:

The “less dresses and heels” thing predates COVID & WFH by a lot. I’ve been seeing it growing for 20+ years. IMO the combo of little girls not being dolled up by Mom to go to church as much, and lots more girls being raised to not be dainty flowers has led to more lacrosse chicks in lululemon & sneakers and fewer fainting belles in frills & lace. Then those women get out of school and wear business casual.

But yeah, WFH + COVID really put the stake in dress-up for a lot of people, both male & female. Getting past “PJs in public” seems to be a bridge too far for a whole lotta people nowadays.

Just sunglasses, water bottle, and a smile, Honey. :grin:

Enjoy your weekend Shoe! And good luck with the ahem-spensary. :slight_smile:

Welp, I’ve been chased indoors mostly by sunrise and a bit by the lingering cool despite my tracksuit, so it’s indoors for awhile. Still not sure about beaching early.

Cheers all and happy Moanday!!

I have a tendency to whack my hand on doorknobs when walking down hallways - especially in our house. Being too close to the wall and swinging my arms too energetically (I guess) results in a collision that more often than not leaves me with a new bruise. That doorknob has only been there for the 19 years we’ve lived here - you’d think I’d learn…

We’re up and dressed. FCD just left to take his car to be serviced. I’m about to follow and pick him up. And so the day really begins.

Yes! It’s as if your teeth are being drawn to the wound by some mysterious force! I think the afflicted area is punishing us by inflicting pain over and over again. LOL

Actually, I think that, once wounded, that flesh swells a little, which makes it a big target for further damage.

Mornin, all. In the shop. Prepping for a delivery next week. With any luck the client will tell me where I’m supposed to take the stuff. I’ve been asking for weeks.

{ my most recent hangover has entered the chat }

One of my errands is actually Doper-related: I have a parcel almost put together for the shot glass exchange, which I’ve never participated in before. I also got a “missed package” slip from the USPS, meaning I have a two-fer errand for the P.O.
… I suspect the two may be related, but we shall see.

I’m down to 2.5 rolls of T.P. so an errand similar to yours is within my not-too-distant future as well.

I have a dentist appointment the last Monday of the mont-- oh, it’s the week prior?
Whoops. :upside_down_face:

Yeah, but if it was raining, they wouldn’t be so unwashed, now would they?

I’m not sure how to interpret ^^ please to 'splain?


Up around 6:30 a.m. for bio break. Decided a cup of Easy Mac made for a perfectly cromulent First Breakfast.

Watched the trash truck pick up last week’s (rather small amount of) crap. I dunno why I like watching it - I can certainly hear the damn thing, it’s not like I have doubts they came by - but I just DO dammit.
So the bin needs to be retrieved.

I didn’t toss Monkey’s :poop: box, and that’s frankly easier & far less messy when the bin is empty (since the box falls flat onto the floor of the bin and stays contained, rather than landing tipped a bit on top of whatever else got tossed out & then spilling everywhere) but on the flip side, then it sits around for a week.

If I got really ambitious, I want to sweep up the floor around where his box goes while I’m changing that out, so I can lay down a new litter-catching mat to prevent future litter-fucking-everywhere on the floor.
I swear that cat thinks he’s digging to China.

Okay, to be honest: I want the floor to BE swept up. I just don’t wanna hafta be the one to DO it.

Some kitchen investigation reveals I still have (most of) a baked potato from my recent TX Roadhouse foray, so my plan is to nuke that with whatever melty cheese I have available - quite likely a few string cheese - and some green onions later, for Second Breakfast. Ooh, I have sour cream, too!

I also have the remains of the pizza I made last night: tomato, pineapple, bacon, onion, garlic, chicken.

Cooked it m’self, and we were so quiet by that point in the night - frankly, I was more bored than hungry - my pizza was the only thing in the oven anyway.

Ha, we got so quiet that my sweet manager - who was running the ovens later while I was starting to pack our shit up - completely forgot about the single pizza we had cooking at that time. Burned the everloving bejeesus out of it. We all got a laugh. (“I mean, they did say they wanted it crispy …”)

It’s funny, when there’s a line of orders we can run pretty smoothly, but a single order dribbling here & there and it’s all too easy to get distracted by a side task and lose focus entirely.

Whelp, s’pose I could put some clean laundry away at some point, if I get just way too bored with life. But Monkey - having burned off some “annoying crackhead” level zoomies earlier - is now curled up on my bed, waiting for me to bother him disturb his slumber bestow scritches. Time to go curl up with him and :musical_note: drift away … :notes:

Sometimes when I attempt to open a door and pass through it (a skill that most of us master by the time they are tall enough to reach the doorknob) my hand slips on the knob, but I continue forward as if I had successfully turned the knob, and basically face-plant against the unyielding door.

I hate when I do that! Especially if I’m observed doing it.

Repeatedly biting your lower lip results from biting your lower lip. Once.

In mid-summer when dawn is early & the air is warm, I can get up around sunrise, leave for the beach, be gone 3+ hours, and return before Her Ladyship has awakened or at least before she has emerged from bed. She likes to lazy there & read her phone for an hour-ish before getting up.

Now that sunrise is later and it’s cooler, it’s more like she finally gets up, comes out and says “Hi”, and then I announce “I’m leaving for 3+ hours. Sayonara babe”. Which seems kinda cold-shouldery.

She’s enough of a Siamese that (she says) it works, but it still feels odd to me, and sets a poor tone for later in the day. Kinda the point of being married is that you want to spend time with your spouse yanno? Our sleep patterns already enforce a lot of non-togetherness while one is up and one is not. Best not to gratuitously force even more.

The odds on that happening skyrocket when you’re carrying something fragile or messy in the other hand. Well, they do when I’m carrying something.

Pro tip: If you replace all your home’s doorknobs with the lever type, that happens a LOT less often. I’ve done that to the last few places I’ve owned. Your nose will thank you.

Morning all. 50F heading to 60F today, so need to dig out the sweatshirts and sweatpants for the cold season (cold in N. Ali-bama terms, that is). The 5 S’s (shop-sammich-swim-sauna-soccer) will take care of most of the day and also need to do a little banking en-route to the store.

Can’t really think of anything I chew or bump into, but I really hate when I get up to do something or get something, get there and have forgotten, return to my starting place and then remember…in detail…what it was I was going to do. Irritates me no end.

Pilot, being a life-long bachelor I can’t offer much advice on timing, but couples who don’t budget ‘me’ time seem to be the unhappiest, IMHO. But I’m had me time for 50+ years since moving out of home, so what do I know?

VanGo, hope the client paid in advance, sounds a little fishy to me.

shoe, I’ll occasionally watch our trash truck (or the once-a-month recycle one), since they have those mechanical arms that pick up the bins and empty them at the top. Kinda miss the old ones that the trash guys emptied in the back and then ran the compressor thingie to stuff it in the truck.

And so onward into the day. Have a good week all.

I second that! How could dressing for the beach have political ramifications?

Howdy Y’all! I managed :astonished:Wally*World :astonished: as in I came out unscathed and with just the items I went there to purchase. Go Me! Also, the two 'scripts I picked up were free! Two 90 day ‘scripts for free! When I got back home, the first thing OYKW said to me was "judgin’ from the smile, the 'scripts must have been free." He knows all to well what a cheapskate thrifty person I am.

I just heard about this. We pick up our prescriptions and other things from Rite-Aid. We don’t have a CVS or a Walgreens nearby. (We’d have to drive to the next town.)

So Deb, and a whole lot of other people are on vacation this week, including possibly Senior Clerk. Also, SSLAW #1 was not participating in Monday, and SSLAW # 2 was working about as well as a sullen teen asked to clean their room. So Smalls took twice as long to run. At least the loading on Middle Yellow wasn’t bad, nor was doing Senior Clerks cleanup, as Hazardous Ken bolted for the exit as soon as he saw me. At least he can get to the Internet, unlike Stirling, since apparently ZScalar has decided that the on duty Hazmat person can’t be trusted to access the online Hazmat tools.

On the home front, the Oscar for the most over the top, Telenova style death scene goes to…SPOT. Last night he only got pork from me and not roommate, so he jumped up on the kitchen table, screamed, and flopped over, and feigned death for 10 minutes.

< pulls out fainting couch > :open_mouth:

Done that before.

I’ve bitten my cheek so hard that it bleeds. No idea why this happens; the biting, not the bleeding.

Got up this morning with good intentions of going to exercise class. Then got distracted by things and forgot to go ::headsmack::.

The wife’s airline pilot niece is flying in today, so we’ll take her out for dinner to the Thai place down the street. A truly excellent restaurant.