Mafia Reunion Day 5

Going down the list
** Meeko **
D1:skimming his 68 posts this has the most substance [spoiler]

Near end of Day unvote Colby, voted Lakai ( both Town)

Day2: Skimming his 50 posts
Again this topic- word for word from D1 [spoiler]

Not sure what he was going for here but it is verbose

Doesn’t have a switch, doesn’t care about them.
Weighs in on the cultists, but it is not clear which side.
Unvote Sach/ Vote Brewha (town)
The scale of the game disenfranchises Vanilla Town (participation). Like, to a level I don’t think anyone saw coming. .

D3: Skimming 13 posts
Votes Khameleon
No other real substance.

D4: 3 posts [spoiler]

(re: players running out of steam in the game) [/spoiler]
Voted Squid
So far nothing to say today
yes I did skim and leave out some of the " not sure where this is going" posts
If there is something specific you recall about him, since I have reviewed all Days bring it to my attention and I will likely be able to track it down.

It is difficult to come to a conclusion on dear ** Meeko ** . I do find it odd that he posted word for word the same post D1 and D2 but that means nothing alone