nongoog is either a troll or an imbecile

Oh well, it was just an off the cuff half assed theory based on …well nothing I guess.

Maybe this is Vanilla. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well you think I’m that stupid don’t you ? Dio is a smart guy but I don’t think she’s a troll . Hell , you might think I’m a troll as well as stupid . You have a nice day in **askeptic ** world.

I fixed the link in the OP just to screw with the space-time continuum. Now I hear the space-time continuum is getting a divorce. How can I help her through this?

You better watch out the vice president doesn’t catch you. This one is meaner than the last one.

Give her some space, give it some time.

Stop blowing your boyfriend and fuck the space-time continuum some more.

Well as I remember someone once said your a tool. And if I remember correctly you picked one of *the * most obscure tools I’ve ever seen. Just be a simple lever and fulcrum . That should work for a divorce.

No, to me she seems like a fairly ordinary self absorbed young 20 something who is attractive, around powerful people, and has discovered sex is power and is using it - and being used by it. She isn’t mature enough to discover the hypocricy of her worldview - she may yet develop it - or even realize how badly she is being used.

She will either marry some guy who is well off, then get dumped when she is 39 for a younger model wondering “what it the hell happened, why did I get victimized,” spend her time in bars where “when I went to law school” is a pickup line trying to marry that guy until she ages enough that the competition gets too tough, or wise up. I knew a lot of women like her when I was 22 - and very nearly was that woman when I was 22, but wised up.

As to the divorce having “a little to do with her” if she is one on a long list of infidelities, that could be a perfectly accurate description of the situation.

I think dangerosa got it in one. I find I am having very little sympathy for any of nongoog’s self-created crises. It might be a little different if she were willing to listen to anyone else’s advice on how to not be so stupid, but she doesn’t seem to be. Oh, callow youth. Or just plain ol’ troll. Either way, she doesn’t add much to this community except in an, “Oh, lord, what has she done now?” kind of way.

There is a big difference between stupid and crazy.

Everytime I see you post I hear the “He’s a loony” line from that Monty Python movie…

Well my mistake then. Never too proud to apologize when I make a mistake. But you don’t think there are just people out there who let their emotions rule them ? I assure you there are. You know which ones used to rule me .

Aliens? The CIA? Mickey Mouse?

Well I tried to converse with you in a civil fashion. Peace be with you.

You’re right, you did and I was an ass. Sorry.

You say that as though it’s a bad thing.

Damn, that was a classy post. :slight_smile:

True 'nuff

You’ve heard that saying " TO ERR IS HUMAN… just look at me " :smiley: I’m just trying to figure out how this could be a troll. Wouldn’t it be something more outlandish? I was serious about the Satan thing and look how many people called me a troll. Of course you have know way of knowing that but once I stop letting every ass who tries to mess with me, get my goat, you might then think different. She seemed just like a love struck girl to me. I have to tell you . I don’t watch a lot of porno and none anymore but when I saw the Paris Hilton video , man , her boyfriend was jerking her chain and it made me feel bad for her. No one deserves to have their self respect abused like that by anyone let alone their supposed committed partner . I hope you don’t think I’m judging him but what he did was wrong . No self respecting man would behave in that fashion. That was the act of a child .

Omegaman, I am not jerking your chain, but I am confused. You seem to get lost in your rants. It might help if you broke them down into coherent paragraphs.

As it stands I, I don’t know who you think was acting like a love struck child, who was a jerk, who was wrong, who was jerking whos chain, whos commited partner abused their self respect, who you are afraid we will think you are judging. Paris Hilton, her boyfriend, nongoog, the boss, his wife? I am so confused.