Still waiting for Spring in the MMP

Swampy should bring them; I haven’t seen him signup to bring anything else for this shindig yet. :dubious:

Just how much video gaming of GTA do you do? :confused:
MetalMouse, mebbe you can get the kidlets to be cutting edge.
Ruble, want to trade in one of your shirt bins for a new blanket. I just picked mine up last night. Iffn you’re interested, I can PM you details on who made mine.

Lent is over.

Nemo’s been found!

Wait, if you’re having flytrap go for the stretch & play a wise man, can I do some acting too & be something other than (my normal) wise[del]guy[/del] man?
My trainer (me) kicked my arse in tonight’s workout.
Also, I did NOT get fired today…despite IT confiscating my 'puter. :eek:
Ummm, mebbe you should confirm the reason for someone having access denied as it could be an error rather than a termination :smack: - as was the case today. :mad: :mad: :mad:

(I got it back a few hours later).

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 44 Amurrkin out and clear, OK dark, with a predicted high of 72 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. I need to take care of some errands this mornin’ so I shall. I could also do some yahd irk but I don’t see that happenin’. We shall sup upon my world famous Eye-talian chikin. Side matter TBD.

MOOOOOOM lots of stress stuff goin’ on there!

Now I need more caffeine and rumbly tummy wants to be fed. I suppose I should also purtify if’n I am to go about the public.

Happy Thursday Y’all!

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to work. Short day, then a three day weekend.:smiley:

I’m up. I’m at my desk. Company status meeting this afternoon, so I’ll be heading to the site a bit early. Meanwhile, lots to do. Trying not to fret about FIL…

Happy Thursday, I guess.

Well, I’m up…awake is still to be determined.

Got the garbage can out to the street so the primary Thorsday mission is done.

Temperature is 37F, seems like…2 days ago it was in the 80’s. Strange days indeed…

FairyChatEstates to Defcon 2, Babby is inbound. Confidence is high, I say again, confidence is high. Prepare to close up the moutain.

One load short of laundry being done and a few fries short of a Happy Meal --------- same as usual. :slight_smile:

Busy busy busy… Trying to get as much as I can cleared off my desk. I’ve got a feeling that this weekend could be it. Maybe it’s wishful thinking.

Are you referring to last snowfall of the season…or babbeh? :wink:

Is it Sat night yet? When will it be Sat night? I [del]want[/del] need Sat night to be here already.

Kids are off school tomorrow, so it’s Friday for me. Yay.

WPTB are predicting the apocalypse starting any time now and lasting through the weekend. Nifty.

'Beamer’s school is fussing because he doesn’t want to be there and is making his displeasure known, by doing things like saying “I don’t want to be here” and “I’m not going to do work in this class.” I admit this is less than ideal, but when I met with his principal and special Ed teacher earlier this week, we discussed the fact that this week’s goal was just to get him to school every day. Next week we can work on whatever the next goal is. I want to look for a summer camp for him or something. I love him to pieces, but he is exhausting. I’m not sure that’s the right word. I just feel worn thin at a soul-deep level. I guess it’s that care-giver exhaustion thing you hear about. Just gloomy today. Don’t mind me. On the plus side, YAY, 'Beamer went to school all week. :slight_smile:

Moomm I hope your long wait is over and that your FiL feels better soon. Maybe you should leave a note on that last egg in your kitchen, so Baby Engineer finds it. :smiley:

**Spidey **- Grandmotherhood, not stoopit snow.

Almost time to head to the big meeting. Will I be in tomorrow or not? Tune in later to find out.



busy. busy.


Home. Tahred. No babbeh yet. FIL is home and has an appointment with his cardiologist tomorrow.

Looks like I’ll be going to work tomorrow at least.

We supped upon my world famous Eyetalian chikin, bacon wrapped spareguts, yellow rice and rolls. ‘Twas nummy! I took a couple of ribeyes outta da freezer for tomorrow. I got me a gnawin’ and a cravin’ for steak.

What does it mean, “spareguts”?

Mom, how shall the grandchild address you?

nettie, I dropped JitB when they discontinued salads for a while. I swung through there a couple of years ago and they had main dish salads back, so I ordered one. Not a good idea. Most of them have closed in this area.

Mooooom , I’m also curious on what the babby will be calling you.

My department had a celebration lunch today congratulating two supes who moved up to management positions. a coordinator who was promoted to supervisor, an analyst into an analyst II and a cycle counter leaving the department for a lead position in another department. It was also one of our analyst’s birthday. The barbeque was most excellent and I now know of another good place in town.

Spareguts are also known as asparagus.

Home. Tahred. Hubs cooking chicken in the grill.

My daughter wants Roxy to call me Busi - pronounced “bushy” - it’s the Polish version of granny or gramma. Its what I called my grandmothers and what my kid calls my mom. Not sure what FCD will be called.

Still waiting…

So your new MMP name is Busi!