The Official "Lost" Questions Thread - Season 2

I meant to post this myself before I got distracted with my juvenile silliness. I agree with you.

rolls up sleeves


rockle, I’m going to clean up that question just a bit just to simplify things.

  1. What is the significance (if any) of the number 108 beyond being the sum of Hurley’s numbers?

Odinoneeye I like your rewrite of #55:

  1. Did Walt try and communicate with Shannon and if so, how?

Gorsnak, Smeghead has pretty much covered the problem with “The Black Rock”. As I remember things, there shouldn’t be any slave trade after the time dynamite was invented. I’ll admit this isn’t my area of expertise.

As far as the computer is concerned, certain things make me think the EXECUTE key has some significance. The prominent display on screen and certain post in the main thread regarding Walt’s communication, for instance. I didn’t notice him typing the numbers, but as per The Gaspode I’ll consider it speculation until I get some clarification.

Hmm. Well there’s clearly a lot under the hatch that we haven’t seen yet. I think I’ll consider this part of question 31 for now. I do plan to fill it out when we find out more about what’s under there.

Wow! That’s a tough one. I’m inclined to think it’s just the show’s stunt car, but I’m willing to be convinced otherwise. What does everyone else think?

You have a very very good point. For myself, I think this may be all the answer we get to this particular question. I’m thinking the writers may just let us put two and two together ourselves rather than spell it out for us.

Then again they may not and, as you say, any supposition is dangerous in this show. Plus, Smeghead agrees with you. So back on the list it goes. Question 29 is once again officially unanswered.

I also agree the writers may never come back to it.

Maybe we can mark it as a partial answer OR create a new LIKELY answer listing…

They spend all that money on the opening scene and then can’t fork out on a few bangers to be used as stunt cars? I’m more inclined to think it has some significance.

Nitpick: The slave trade never actually stopped. I don’t really see this as an anachronism, despite all the debate in the original thread.

That’s what I was thinking, although it certainly could just be their stunt car. One thing is that the first two (Michael & Locke) did no damage to the car, but the crash with Kate crumpled it pretty good. Maybe the car is going to keep showing up and slowly get more and more destroyed :).

Maybe Sam Raimi is driving.

I think that Desmond is infected – with Rousseau’s disease.

I still am inclined to see things the way they appeared to me in the first episode that featured Danielle Rousseau. [Jean-Jacques] Rousseau’s On Education (Emile) is particularly germane, seeing as he advocated raising children on a metaphorical “island” as “Robinson Crusoes,” shaped by their natural inclination rather than the imposition of an artificial and flawed social order.

The thing about Rousseau, though, is that he was paranoid. He heard voices. He imagined that everyone close to him was plotting against him, and alienated everyone who wanted to help him. I’m not convinced that the people who took Walt are Danielle’s “others.” In sixteen years, she never actually saw the “others.” She just heard them whispering, like Sayid, Shannon, Sawyer, and Locke.

I don’t know if the etymological connection between Desmond’s name and CFL’s character is intentional or serendipitous, but I think that Desmond is suffering from the same disorder that Danielle is, whatever its cause. Yes, the “quarantine” sign was on the inside of the hatch, but that Outside-The-Asylum[color=silver][sup]42[/sup][/silver]inversion might be a sort of “I’m not crazy! They’re the one’s who’re crazy!” thing.

Another thing that tenuously connects Desmond and Rousseau: Make Your Own Kind Of Music. It would definitely make the soundtrack if Emile were ever adapted for film. (Heh.)

Anyway, more concisely: The servo-mirror arrangement is just the sort of jury-rigged surveillance system that an isolated paranoid would have. I think he used them to guard against the “Others” in his infected skull.

Crap. Sorry about the stupid coding.

I noticed this last season and it was evident again in the Season 2 opener: How is it that Locke knows Hurley’s real name and why hasn’t anyone else on the show noticed that Locke refers to him as Hugo instead of Hurley?

I guess this is related to question 25, but it’s been bugging me.

I believe they suggested that Hurley may own the factory that Locke worked in for a while. It would be pretty funny if they made a big announcement with his name. “This guy has put you all out of work. Have a nice day!”

On a more "serious"note…is it possible that they’re trying to make people crazy to vaccinate them against the disease? Hurley may already be gone somewhat, due to possible previous issues, and Locke is kinda losing it. Lack of sleep is making people have visions…Or perhaps they’re trying to induce telepathic powers in people. Hearing whispers is the first stage, and the drug Desmond is taking keeps him deaf to them?

My question is: Does the way Hurley heard the numbers have significance/ie. his time in the ward? That’s a very involved conspiracy if he was the ultimate target.

this isn’t a question, but domeone created a floor plan of the layout of the room under the hatch…

very interesting…

and this one is more elaborate.

Conversely, they spend all that money on the pilot and they have no money left for a fleet of stunt cars. But I’m not above covering all the bases:

  1. Were Michael, Kate and Locke all in accidents with the same car, and if so, why?

Cervaise, thank you for the link. I’ve kind of suspected that there wasn’t really a problem here myself. I’m going to do some more reading when I have some time and get back to you guys.

Well, it’s not like Hurley is keeping his real name a secret. He told Jack without making a fuss. And I’m sure the others have noticed that Locke calls him Hugo, it’s just not that big a deal. The guy’s talking about Destiny and Hope and the Island demanding sacrafices, I don’t think they’re gonna get hung up on name choices.

Your theories are interesting and I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter. However, it seems like you’ve got a question based on that theory and if I let in a question for every theory about this show, I’d quickly go mad myself. I need to see something suppostive first, otherwise we’re getting too speculative.

Big question from “Adrift”: Who is ‘the one’ that Desmond is expecting?

Also, how was Jin captured by the Others, and how did he escape? (I feel that this is going to be cleared up in next week’s episode, just like this week’s episode filled us in on what happened to Locke and Kate when they went down the hatch.)

Did he? I remember him telling Jack that Hurley wasn’t his real name, but I don’t remember him telling him that it was Hugo.

WAG (which should probably go in the other thread): he wasn’t captured by the Others. The people we saw at the end were the tail sectioners.


  1. Who is ‘the one’ that Desmond is expecting?

And may I add:

  1. What’s the meaning of the “DHARMA” symbol on all of Desmond’s stuff - and why is it on a freakin’ shark?

Yeah, I think this one’s going to be filled in next week too. To my mind this is more of a cliffhanger than a mystery. If we don’t find out what happened next week, I’ll add it to the list then.

Yup. He tells Jack that Hurley is not his real name, his real name is Hugo and Hurley is just a nickname. He won’t say why or how he got the nickname. I believe the episode is “Raised By Another”.

And since we have Dharma, where’s Greg?

On Criminal Minds, airing opposite of LOST on CBS…