
Stupid? It made Threadspotting, mate!

Orange peel!

Hold on, wait, it did?

[runs to check Threadspotting]

Huh, so it did. Weird. I’ve been spending a little too much time lurking, I think. :slight_smile:

And… Wow, I have almost no recollection of that thread. At all. Orange peel? What the hell?

[walks off, scratching his head]

Okay, we’ve got a list, we’ve got a date.

So, when and where?

We’ve got a list of places so far:

Cafe 668, at 668 Dundas West
C’est What
Lone Star Cafe
Loose Moose
Fionn MacCool’s
The Bier Market
Hot House Grill
Duke of Argylle
One of the Firkin pubs
Happy Palace (in Chinatown)
The Pickle Barrel (aw, why not? ;))

Which of these sounds good?

Lone Star Cafe still has the best chips and salsa on the planet.

I am going to see if I can get the day off, it sounds like fun. If I can come & anyone needs a ride around, my car is relatively clean & safe…

My wife Zber and I are hoping to make it. Nothing seems to stand in the way, but I have problems with commitment. Can I get pencilled in? Was an actual decision about where we might go made?

I’d be happy with RickJay’s vote for the Lone Star Cafe. The Front Street location is certainly central enough.

LoneStar works for me. They do decent mashed potatoes…

Lone Star Cafe it is, then!

What time should we all meet?

And what’s the exact address?

Ooh, ooh, one I can come to!

I am excited ! Put me in pencil, please, as I have encroaching time commitments these days … but I should be able to hold them off!

Where is the Lone Star Cafe? Any place with the best chips and salsa on the planet is okay by me.

I’ve never been to a Dopefest before. What are they like? Does everyone wear nametags, or do we introduce ourselves by sn?

Lone Star’s at Queen and Spadina, right? Near Jamie Fraser’s?

We’re usually quite casual at these things. We’ve never worn nametags before, but there’s no real reason not to if the majority think it’s a good idea. As for RL vs. SN, it’s up to each individual. I tend to use my real name, although I’m pretty certain that several people only remember Cerowyn. There was at least one individual who was anxious that noone know his real name. YMMV.

I think you’re thinking of Tortilla Flats, where we went for drinks at the one you came to. The Lone Star Cafe is on the north side of Front Street, just west of University (and Union Station).

Huh. I can’t picture it. I guess I haven’t been there.

Lone Star Cafe sounds good to me too.

Hmmm…I was planning on jumping up to Toronto after classes were out (the 10th, if my foggy memory is serving me correctly) and I might be able to make it up for the 11th.

Especially considering I’ve yet to see photos from the last one.

I’m here in London for University. Would like to make up, but once again, it probably won’t be possible :frowning:

So, any updates on TrannaDope?

I think we’ve got the location–Lone Star Cafe–and the date, December 11, but I don’t know when the time is.

I say… hm. Is 5:00 p.m. too early for you lot?

If it’s on a Saturday, no. :slight_smile: