What day is it in the MMP?

Yaaaaay! {{{{Sunny}}}}


Oops. Forgot that I was supposed to be fasting…

{{{OW}}} I was still a baby mumper and was still trying to figure out nicknames.

Nothing much exciting. Meetings. Meetings. Meetings. Which means my inbox is overflowing.

I mentioned to my boss that I was underwater and he said I just need a longer straw.

And because of some odd semi-political stuff, I am ending up with more of the onboarding work than expected. I can’t imagine trying to start a new job while everybody’s in home office, so I’m working with the new employee as much as possible. Now I’ve given him a task and told him to catch up with the readings and videos. Maybe I can make a dent in my inbox today.

We accepted an offer to get our patio glassed in, so today they’re coming to do the exact measurements. Then we can go around and get the signatures from our neighbors (we’re in a shared building) and then submit the paperwork to the town for the building permit. Everyone says it’s just a formality, but it has to be done.

And I painted my nails yesterday (2 hour meeting with camera off, and it’s all presentations) and it’s weird. Not sure I like the polish so well, but it’s fun. Trying not to damage it, but probably won’t last 7 days.

Happy Thursday!

Oh goody. I woke an hour or so ago. Can’t get comfy, can’t fall back to sleep. I miss my bed. Higgs snores. Ugh. It’s after 3.

And it’s about 3 anna half hours since my last post. I’m up, Higgs has been tended to, and I’m breakfasting. I may invite Mel tonight. I’m sure he’s hanging out at the CVS…

Surprisingly chilly when I let Higgs out, but it’s getting into the low 80s so the a/c is on in the house. They don’t open their windows because… I have no idea.

When we were out yesterday, I got 2 half-gallon jugs of Sonny’s sweet BBQ sauce. I texted a pic of one to my daughter - she was properly impressed! We may not get their food in Merrylande, but we can pretend! And maybe today, we’ll order some for lunch. Wonder if they deliver??

The casual attitude towards masks here continues to amaze me, and it’s got to be a matter of leadership. Our guv said “Wear the damn mask” and people do. The guv here is a Trump butt-kisser and he’s completely abdicated any responsibility towards anyone in this state who isn’t a big political donor. We definitely made the right decision when we moved out in 2002/2004 (FCD first, then me.)

Took my car to a fancy car wash that FCD raved about, but apparently it’s changed hands since he was here a month ago. I didn’t expect detailing, but they advertise that they scrub off bugs. When we got home, I had to scrub off more than a few from the hood and headlights. But they did a good job with the vacuum, and I think the windows are clean, tho it’ll take night driving to know for certain. The worst of the road salt is gone and they did wipe down the door “jams” and the dash.

I was dismayed to note how many teeny rust spots are on the hood. I suppose it’s to be expected after 182K miles in a mostly rural county, tho I think part of the issue is Hyundai’s paint and finish. I’ve never had a vehicle sustain so many little rusty dings. The windshield is in sad shape also - many many teensy pits. I’m thinking I’ll replace that, but I’m not going to sweat the paint. Maybe I’ll ask FCD to break out the air brush and put a giant skull across the hood. :rofl: ooooooo - or a minion!!!

But that’s a chore for another day.

Happy Thursday!!

Um, hi?

Taking the dog to the vet for dental service soon. More later.

It’s been a long time. Hope all are well.

Whoa - look who crawled out of the woodwork!!! :wink: What’s up besides doggie dentures?

I’m up obnoxiously early myself (gave up and got up over an hour ago), between a noisily needy Siamese (who’s now ignoring me) and a restless DH. Ick.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN I was a slugabed until almost eight this mornin’. :sleeping: 'Tis 48 Amurrkin out and mostly N.O.S. with a predicted high of 80 and N.O.S. for the day. Spring approaches! No big plans for the day. Thus, I predict much sloth shall ensue, which is fine by me. Yestiddy, I met with two more HVAC folks. Now all I need is quotes. I have one and shall prod the others if’n I don’t have quotes by tomorrow. I can and will be a pest if need be. Sup shall be boxed lasagna (don’t judge!], sallit, and cheesey garlic bread.

{{{Miss_Owl}}} hard to believe it’s been a year since Ruble left us.

MOOOOOOM no gold stars will be snatched back. Dealin’ with aged in laws just has to be a pain in the patoot, so no begrudgin’ thoughts will be held against you. Hope you do get to leave on Sattidy.

Sunny glad your sis got through the surgery. Hope her recovery is quick.

{{{StickyBuns}}}!!! Hope all goes well at the doggy dentist. Come back and catch us up on your world.

Everyone else, I read, but comprehension is not always my strong suit, so, yays, boos, hugs, noogies, trouts, chitlins, and how you doin’s all around, as needed.

Now I need more caffeine and rumbly tummy is demandin’ sustenance. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Thursday Y’all!

As I sat here reading, FIL had another episode - luckily I was close enough to get a chair under him before he fell. I don’t know what’s gong to happen after we leave. But I do think I’ll come back with FCD in April when MIL has her shoulder replaced - unless I need to wrangle Roxy. We shall see.

Morning all. The night before I slept until nearly 9am; today I barely made it to 7am. Go figure. Anyway I am up and need to do some banking here shortly and might think of some other excuses to stay out some. Temperature is due to rise to 65F, but rain is due tonight and tomorrow which will cool us down some.

FCM, hang in there and do you best; if in-laws can’t recognize truth, there isn’t much more you can do. And a shoulder replacement for a woman 80-90 years old–is that much major surgery really required? And I don’t think I’ve ever kept a car 182,000 for miles; some teeny rust spots can be expected, I would think. Or have FCD airbrush “I’m nice, dammit” along the side…

Sticky Buns!. Good too see you about the MMP again. Stick around and tell us things.

Dicey, patio glass sounds nice. Hope the newbie gets up to speed in record time for you. And pics of the nails!!

Ok, need my Instant Breakfast to get started. All y’all take care this fine Thorsday.

Afternoon, mumpers! Morning has whizzed past me yet again. Weather app says “It might be nice now but soon it’s going to rain. Sad fucking trombone” and promises me 11C/52F all day and partly cloudy. Yeah, it’s cloudy with bits of blue sky and a glimmer of sun.

{{{OW}}} It doesn’t seem like a year since Ruble left, things certainly have changed a lot in that time and I am sure he is happy with the way you’ve coped.

Sunny yay for successful surgery, so glad to hear that your sister is recovering and you will get that very safe hug after all.

StickyBuns where’s ya bin? Hope the doggie dental stuff turns out ok.

shoe many years ago, I attended a pole-dancing workshop at a gentleman’s club (much to my mother’s horror) organised by an activity group I belong to. We had such a laugh but it really is hard work and those ladies are much more skilful at it than you might realise. Making a living that way does require a lot of effort!

Moooom sorry to hear about FIL again, it is so sad that they both refuse to see sense. Shoulder replacement sounds like a pretty big thing, especially if MIL is generally frail for her age.

Irk is irksome, my newbie is still waiting for her laptop to arrive. They were due for delivery to the uni by midweek, then needed to be set up and sent by courier to the new folks. Trying to do remote training is not the easiest thing, and she can’t access most of our systems without the secure remote system that will be on the laptop. Poor girl has spent her time watching our various training videos…crazy that we all have to fire safety training when we’ve been home-working for almost a year.

Ho hum…better get on, I have a Wellbeing Café event in 10 minutes, I am sure that requires a very strong cup of tea.

MetalMouse - I had my Aerostar for 235K miles, and I’m hoping to have this one till 250K. And, yes, MIL can’t continue with her shoulder as it is. She had the left one replaced already, so this will do the right side. Their health issues are many, varied, and terrifying. And they refuse to accept it. Nothing we can do for now. Dammit.

TriWest is Veterans Administration. (Mrs. L.A. was a Black Hawk pilot in Iraq during the war.) Mrs. L.A. usually has four or five patients a week, and she charges $55 per visit ($45 for veterans and spouses of veterans), so if she was on the hook for six kilobucks it would hurt.

I hadn’t planned anything for dinner last night, and except for a bit of tuna salad there were no leftovers in the fridge. I’d bought a couple of frozen wild-caught Coho salmon fillets from Trader Joe’s Tuesday, and they were thawing in the fridge. Mrs. L.A. suggested I cook those. So I put some foil in the toaster oven pan (my default baking pan for small things), put the fish on, and sprinkled them with a pinch of kosher salt and some dill and baked them in the oven. I wanted broccoli and cauliflower on the side, but Mrs. L.A. wanted the snap peas that were in the freezer. I got at least two compliments on the fish. Tonka got a little fish from ‘mom’, and some skin and a few nice pieces of flesh from ‘dad’.

FCD and I just finished cleaning his mom’s stove, microwave, and floor. The oven is self-cleaning for the next 3 hours. I wanted to clean the area rug, but the cleaner was dead and leaky. So it went with the trash just a few minutes ago. Best we could do was vacuum. Doggone, their Dyson is loud!!

We’ll have Sonny’s takeout for supper. Not sure what will happen till then.

Oh, and the stoopit Flahrduh trees had an orgy all over my clean car. Dammit. Not amused in the slightest.

Morning, all. Up and out early this morning to take Tango into the vet to get tutored. I think he had an idea what today was about because he really didn’t want to get into his carrier. After dropping him off, I stopped by the local Mexican drive-thru for machaca & eggs. Breakfast of Champions.

Sunny and warmish here in SoCal, and it’s predicted to stay this way for the next couple of weeks at least. Time to start prepping the pots for Spring Planting! No tomatoes this year - just peppers and herbs and flowers. A friend is doing a ton of tomatoes, so we’ll swap all summer long and both have salsa.

Everybody stay safe and well. It’s almost the weekend!

Nice to meet you. I’m new. Old lady from Nebraska, retired nurse, crazy cat person (3), center of my world is my 3 1/2 year granddaughter Harriet who I spend most Sundays with. A grandson is expected to join her family at the end of June. That’s the important stuff. I love, love, love being a Mumper. Welcome back aboard. Ask me anything. I’m one of the ones who is less of a morning Mumper but can be found later into the night for kibitzing. My nickname is BBBoo or Boo.

Yep, I have one of those too. Currently she is trying to trip me every time I try to walk to the kitchen for more coffee. She keeps it up I may put her outside in a snow bank. I have plenty to choose from right outside my door.

Oddly, I’m doing two of those today myself. And then one more next Tuesday. A very pleasant young man from Harley’s heating just left (he’s probably 35 but that’s a young one to me, YMMV). Sticker shock is ensuing.

BBBoo - we replaced our HVAC about 15 years ago so we could be on borrowed time. On the other hand, we’ve had it serviced regularly the whole time, so perhaps it won’t die too soon. It cost around $6k way back then. I dread what it might cost today.

Hot dogs for lunch. Sonny’s tomorrow since they’ll be getting shot and it will be an easy supper. And that’s the menu update. :grin::grin:

Surprisingly, there wasn’t a fart room involved in my recovery. Maybe they’ve changed because of Covid rules, or maybe it wasn’t necessary.
I don’t remember them even saying anything fart-related.

You may still have quite a bit of time. My furnace (only the heating portion) was elderly when I bought the place 15 years ago and I was cautioned then it could go belly up any time. The AC unit was fairly new then. I figure I’m lucky I got as many years out of it as I did. Every year I’d have it serviced, every fall they would gently warn me “it may not make it through the winter”. Late last October they were right.

My heating only estimates are coming in ~$5,000 for a high efficiency replacement, which is an upgrade necessitated by city code changes since the old furnace was installed 30-35 years ago. That includes everything, a new thermostat (dammit, will it take me two years to learn how to program that one too?), carbon monoxide alarms, the whole shebang. Two estimates down, two more to go. One more today, then one next Tuesday.

The kitties love it because they get to run down into the basement with the stranger carrying his ipad and poking around the cold, silent furnace in that big room with all the stuff to climb around, over and in. Kitty heaven.

My insurance provider offers an incentive for people to have an annual wellness examination: A $100 Amazon gift card. So I scheduled a blood draw for the 5th, and called my PCP’s orifice to schedule the wellness exam. My PCP retired in December, and this morning I was informed that the MD filling in for her part time doesn’t do wellness exams. There will be a new PCP in April, but the exam must be completed and the form returned to my insurance provider needs to be done by the end of March. The only option would be for me to find a new PCP to give me the exam, and then go back to my original PCP afterward – which is entirely too much trouble.

No hunnerd simoleons for me this year. :frowning: