Who's missing that you really want to see on the Board?

@Der_Trihs hasn’t been around since The Transition. Miss his posts.

Shagnasty could be kinda… colourful… but I always thought he was one of those people who kept things interesting even if he sometimes put people’s noses out of joint (including mine at times).

What is the name of the Spanish woman who always talked about her brothers? I quite enjoyed her posts, can’t think of her name. Started with N maybe?

@Nava, I miss her too. She recently came back but lightly. She was gone for 8+ months. Hopefully she decides to start posting more regularly again.

Thank WE. I couldn’t quite get the name to come back to me.

He had a very, very weird need to describe his personal relationships with women in ways that did not reflect on him nearly as well as he thought they did and which could stray into outright misogyny IIRC. Wasn’t he the one who bragged about all the hot women he was dating (or “dating”), with occasional scores out of ten offered?

Yes. And the funny thing is he just didn’t seem to get how he came across in that respect.

He once posted something apparently totally oblivious to how casually disrespectful to women he was being. I posted a response to the effect he was being a dick. I then got quite a thoughtful and genuine PM from him to the effect he respected my views generally and regretted his post and had no idea he had been offensive.

Yes, Nava@ is cool. Hopes she starts posting more.

Shagnasty also told some really bizarre stories about circle jerks in the boys’ locker room, which even the men on the board questioned.

I miss @Q.N.Jones. Always level-headed, knew what she wanted, and guided me nicely into my now-career.

Thanks, Q.N. Hope you’re well, and hope you come back.

Just noticed that @friedo hasn’t been on in over 2 months, and in an ominous turn has deleted his avatar.

Guys. I’m seriously worried about Mikey. @dropzone .
I usually hear from him regularly.
He hasn’t posted since the 15th of August.
I haven’t had a PM is days.

I know he has computer and phone issues in the place he’s in.
He’s also got many health issues.
You guys cross you fingers.
I’m terribly worried.

I’ve PM’d a couple of moderators. And @ed_zotti.

:crossed_fingers:t3: :crossed_fingers:t3: :crossed_fingers:t3:

Fingers crossed, good thoughts being thunk.

The latest (?) on @dropzone is in this thread:

Where did @TriPolar disappear to?

He’s taking a trip around both equators.

I wish that @Le_Ministre_de_l_au-dela would come back.

Oui, vraiment!!!

@Colibri hasn’t been around in over two months.

shrs over us basically

theres more about it in the thread