How to make eggs taste not eggy?

I like heavy cream scrambled into my eggs, about 1 tsp per egg. And, of course, scrambling in bacon grease doesn’t hurt.

How about deviled eggs?

Also, here is a lower-carb custard recipe that might work for you. Sounds like a bit of a pain, not too bad.

Would you like them in a box?
Would you like them with a fox?

Ooh, I’ve done that a couple of times and it was really good.

Would you like them on a fox in a box wearing socks gnawing on some lox?

To echo a suggestion above, if what you’re after is flavor closer to that of institutionally-prepared eggs, you could try something like Egg Beaters — an egg white construction prepared to taste like “eggs”. Should fit within your nutritional guidelines as well, at least calorically.

Quiche is a pretty good idea, too, but some kind of baked good or casserole more generally. Maybe a soufflé of some sort?

(What’s wrong with ketchup is not the carbohydrate content, but rather that the stuff is wicked nasty. Bleh. The color and taste of lightly-sweetened demonic semen.)

I’ve done this recipe before and I think it’s awesome:

So why do you want to eat them if you don’t like them?
(if you don’t mind my asking)

I love eggs and prefer the free-range/woo woo/organic/bought from 4-H kids ones over the pallid, tasteless things sold in most supermarkets. Maybe you’d prefer those? Although they do have more flavor, so you might like them even less.

I think cottage cheese is fine on low-carb diets. Fry up an omelette or scrambled eggs substituting cottage cheese for some of the eggs, maybe? Makes for fluffy eggs; lower in fat but you still get the protein and low-carb.

I would try increasing the ratio of white to yolk. Try 2 whites and one whole egg for a milder flavor.

Oxen, they must be…

From what I can tell, you’re following a carb-restricted diet. If that’s the case, a lot of low carb folks that I know swear by Oopsie Biscuits which contain egg, cream cheese, a bit of cream of tartar and a packet of splenda. I didn’t love them when I tried it, but then again I hadn’t given up actual bread so the comparison between the two was pretty stark for me.

I used to hate the taste of eggs until I had real pasture-raised eggs. They cost a lot egg-wise ($6.99) but I think they taste completely different. I buy Vital Farms from Whole Foods.

I was thinking this, too. Once in a while I get a sour egg, and it puts me off of them for weeks. I have to remind myself to look at the carton to get an idea how fresh (or not) the eggs are.

Make tuna salad. Dice a hard-boiled egg and mix it in. You probably won’t even notice it’s in there.

I mixed it in with some chicken breakfast sausage. Tasted more chickeny than eggy. Plus, it’s like eating a whole family of chickens!

Try adding dijon mustard and tarragon into the mix for scrambled eggs - it’s a good combo and the mustard definitely has enough flavor to compete with the eggs while not adding calories / carbs.

A few people have mentioned adding cream cheese or cream (or milk, my fave) when you scramble eggs. I find that this seems to make eggs less eggy, and more mellow. I also find that scrambled eggs seem to taste “eggier” the longer they are cooked. Soft scrambled, not letting them dry out, seems to make a milder egg.

Maybe your biggest problem is caffeine instead of eggs.

You didn’t mention if you cut your scrambled eggs with milk or water. My late Nana (being a child of the Depression) used to do this to such an extent that they didn’t taste of egg much at all. Which sucked for me as I love the taste of eggs, but would be perfect for you. She would make scrambled eggs for six with what seemed like only two or three eggs!

I’m right there with you on not liking eggy eggs. I’m fortunate to be married to a man that makes the best scrambled eggs in the world. I don’t know what his secret is - and neither does he - but from careful observation I can say he uses a buttload of butter to fry them in. Just this morning he made me steak and eggs for breakfast, and the eggs were cooked in the butter that the steak was cooked in, plus more butter. Delish! He’s also a lo-carber. I pay him back with heavenly frittatas, which he simply cannot master. I recommend that next.

Salsa. LOTS of salsa. Not the red, pasty, nacho topping at Chlli’s kind, the kind that looks like diced veggies with cilantro added. The kind that foodies will call ‘salsa,’ and not ‘. . . that’

Scramble up the eggs with a little cheese, and mix in about an equal volume of salsa, and a couple of torn-up strips of bacon if they’re available. Then, add more salsa. Have it with nice crispy toast or a few tortilla chips.

I realize that’s essentially a breakfast ‘failure bowl,’ but in this particular case, I don’t want to be a success.