Who's missing that you really want to see on the Board?

Oh really? That’s nice to know. But I can’t find any recent trace of her online. Her website, which hasn’t been updated since 2004, still refers to her as “jarbabyj, Internet entity”, so perhaps the “Internet” part should be excised.

I’m missing @PlaceboTarget. He started, and participated in, many fun games in Thread Games. He hasn’t posted in over two months; I hope he’s okay.

I’m okay. I started a thread in MPSIMS if you want to check it out.

Glad to hear it. Here’s the link:

Yeah, I’ve been thinking about her recently. I hope she’s okay.

I miss Una Persson and Fierra on board.

Her last post contained this snippet indicating she may have been less than truthful in enough of her posts that she felt the need to mention it before changing her mind and asking for the thread to be deleted.

I thought I already posted in this thread, apparently not. I miss fishbicycle, possibly the most pleasant guy to post here. Bad childhood, came to the US, married the perfect woman, got his dream job. Always up beat and eager to answer all kinds of music related questions. His profile says suspended, which I think means banned on Discourse, but I can’t see how that’s possible.

If it’s something you are able to share, was his leaving because of something good in his life? I’d hate to think anything bad happened.

To the best of my memory (this would have been about 2006/2007), it was because he was busy in real life, and the SDMB was taking a lot of his time. Something had to give, and the SDMB was it. I’d call that good; from what I understand from the e-mails we exchanged for a few years after he stopped posting, he was having a blast hosting an on-air radio show from Florida, and producing various oldies collections. At any rate, as far as I know, nothing bad happened.

You’re right about his backstory, and I won’t elaborate except to say that he and I were both surprised to find that we may have met each other in our younger days. He worked at a record store that I used to frequent in Toronto, at about the same time that I used to frequent it, and he may well have sold me some albums or told me where to find what I was looking for.

At any rate, I’m no longer in touch with him. I still miss his contributions here, as with his knowledge and experience, he could settle any argument about rock/pop music just by popping into a thread and posting from a position of knowledge and experience.

I’ll assume that his account is “suspended” because he hasn’t posted in over 15 years (perhaps someone more knowledgeable can comment on how Discourse treats long-time non-posters), but I’d suggest that he would be welcome back any time, should he choose to return.

Most definitely, but I think I understand why they left.

Thanks! Great to hear, the guy deserves every bit of happiness that comes his way. Like you, I do miss his contributions here, his radio/music knowledge was vast and he was happy to share it with anyone who asked.

Yes, Una took a ton of crap on trans issues. It’s a wonder she even tried to educate people after a while. Sometimes it’s best to get out before you become too burned out. I wish her well.

I don’t think I saw Fierra post much, she seemed to stop in the early years. Mostly I know her thru posts by Una . I don’t think I ever saw a post by her other than in the too many condolences threads.

Well, yes.

Una and I are friends off board. She’s generally doing very well.

@hajario Good to know, thanks.

In addition to @Annie-Xmas , two others who have been MIA since covid started are @Leo_Bloom (New York) and @Kobal2 (Paris) - all three from areas that were hard-hit by covid.

Hope they’re doing okay…

Okay, a few things:
First, I thought it was Anaamika, not Annamika. I remember Skald (whom I miss greatly) always showing her favoritism and not sending bees and flying monkeys after her when she was being disrespectful.

Second, I wish flatlined were here more often. I hope that she and her beloved Butthead are safe and well (also Buttercup, Westley, and those crazy cats).

Third, it’s threads like this that make me know I can never leave the Dope. Imagine if I went missing for a year and then tried doing a vanity search. I’d be devastated to learn that nobody missed me. Better not risk it.

I’m glad she did, because she helped me to realize some of my own blind spots.

I knew she would, that’s just who she is. Nice to hear it, though.

Yep, me too. It’s funny how you can think you are all up to date on stuff, and then someone shows up and you find out how little you know.

People would probably remember you better if you had a nice avatar. I know I remember avatars a lot better than names.

Well, tell her some of us still remember her fondly. But I totally get why she left (and am frankly impressed she lasted as long as she did).

(And hi to fierra whom I met briefly in a pub about 25 years ago.)

Same. This has been happening to me a lot lately on a lot of topics. Sometimes even when you’re further along than most, there’s still a long way to go.

I’m friends with Una and Fierra elsewhere, but I miss their contributions here.