Who's missing that you really want to see on the Board?

I’ll use this thread to point out that Anaamika , noted several times in this thread, has returned after a 5 year hiatus. I couldn’t be happier!

I miss @melodyharmonius. I always enjoyed her posts.

What a warm wonderful thing to get in your email this morning. Has it really been five years? Goodness. Thank you!

Welcome back!

It’s good to see you back, @Anaamika! And, good luck on the next house!

The new interface is difficult for me. I’m no technophobe, but it seems like too much work to put into it.
The old app was dead simple. This is the reason I don’t check in much. And besides, I’ve friended a few of you on Facebook, and it’s almost as entertaining.

I’ve missed you @Anaamika!

Thanks for the call out @Northern_Piper !

Hey, @leaffan.
I’ve missed you as well.

I know the format is different and difficult.
I’m here to tell you it gets easier the more you do it.

If a techno-peasant like me can do it …

Welcome back!

Welcome back, everyone!

It’s @Anaamika and @Leaffan! Welcome back, both of you!

Even if I never post anything on Facebook? :wink:

Calling @edspellman and @Annie-Xmas
Used to see them in thread games hope all is well.

I had a crush on her, lo these many decades ago. She was technical, she was a female, she remembered something about 1968, and she treated me like shit, I mean, like the misogynistic prick I am. What’s to not like? :wink: I think I last saw her in one of @Una’s chats, back when @Una was still using her old name, which I forgot.

Okay, harken back to 2001. I was in Seattle. A friend from MPSIMS organized a little Seattle Dopefest while I was there but I can’t remember her name. She was the doyenne of MIPSIMS so it was a real honor for her to treat a noob like that. Jar any memories?

She was very good friends with @Persephone.
Maybe ‘Scotty’ ‘Scottish’ or something like that. Maybe?

Of course I wasn’t around but I’ve read a lot of those old threads.

Now you have me missing @Persephone. I hate you.

But you are right about @Scotticher, though you have no reason to know it.

Anyone know what happened to Campion? She was an excellent poster that has been gone a long time now.

I am a reader and a retainer.

It’s my super power.

What ever became of Sam Clem? Did he pass? Meet him at GFactor’s (also miss) Dopefest, quite an intellegent dude.

And Shagnasty, I miss his post. Too bad he decided to step aside due to his fiance.

IIRC, yeah, Sam’s gone.

Damn shame. Sorry to hear that.