I took a stab at listing all the 9/11 threads on the Straight Dope some time ago, and since it’s on a lot of peoples’ minds (again) here’s another attempt. This is the current list I have, which despite its length is obviously missing quite a few threads. It does, however, include threads past the “search barrier” that makes it difficult to find threads from earlier than around 2002. Anyone who wants to pitch in and help is welcome to join the effort.
I’ve attempted to sort by a few categories, and by thread number (which should be chronological order of the OP of each thread) but a few errors shouldn’t be surprising given the number of threads involved.
Things to be done (if anyone is interested) are finding more of these threads for each years post 2001, and sorting some of them into a “Conspiracy Theory/Debunking” category.
Foreshadows and Predictions
Impossible for every plane to land?
Foreshadowing of 9/11 (NOT A CONSPIRACY THREAD)
Holland tunnel attack?
Creepy, ominous SD comments pre 9/11
The Day Itself
World Trade Center Plane Crash
Would a plane crash be enough to take out a WTC tower?
Everything Changed- LONG Narrative
Post-Attack Discussions - September 2001
Why wasn’t the military sent to escort hijacked planes?
Anyone know much about black boxes?
Are US mail planes flying?
WTC vs. Sears Tower
Parachutes for people in skyscrapers
Has crime dropped significantly in the past week?
Defending a skyscraper from air attack
Questions about the Sears Tower
Can the missing be found?
Robertson + Falwell: It’s the liberals fault…
So the Taliban want proof, do they?
Any evidence Flight 93 was shot down?
Post-Attack Discussions - 2002
Flight 93 question
Do We Really Need 9/11 Merchandise?
Japanese Internment Camps vs. 9/11
John Walker Lindh (remember him?) Ashcroft and Original Intent
Will history regard the attacks of 9/11 as a gross tactical error?
What did the administration know and when did it know it?
Using 9/11 pictures for fundraising purposes
9/11 question
Um… why no 9/11 pre-knowledge rants yet?
Why don’t you just sell pictures of the bodies?
If the Capitol had been targeted on 9/11, how much trouble would we be in?
Second-hand rant: Ballpark food prices after 9/11
What is Bush hiding about 9/11?
Cantor-Fitzgerald TV Commercials
Has anyone drawn a connection between the 1999 EgyptAir and 9/11?
Did the 9/11 terrorists win?
What is America like now after 9/11?
Preventing the next 9/11: a technical question
Mountains out of molehills… skyscrapers out of Starbucks Coolers
Do you still get choked up about 9/11?
The War on Terror - would have done something different?
July 4 and September 11
Serious question: why no 9/11 jokes?
bin Laden? If you read the Pit threads, read this one. .
Selling Pictures of WTC Towers
Has any fiction-based TV series acknowledged the events of Sept. 11?
If The Statue of Liberty Had Gone Down On 9/11
Could terrorists use New York rats to release Bubonic plague?
The new WTC - Rebuild the damn towers!
This is Homeland Security?
WTC 9/11 tapes and confidentiality?
Musharraf on Bin Laden, this is news?
The majority of Americans believes that the attack could have been prevented
Trotting out old speeches to mark 9/11. Gee, how about some creativity?
Are Terrorists Behind The West Nile Virus Outbreak?
Will Sept. 11th forever be a ‘marked’ day?
TIPS - did the good guys win?
WTC terrorist Q and hopefully A
My radio station is doing this really creepy thing
What should be done with the remains of the 9/11 hijackers?
Wait… there are REMAINS of the 9/11 hijackers?
French Author’s 9/11 Conspiracy Theory
New National Holiday on Septembe 11
NYC Landlord suing family of 9/11 victim for lost rent!
question for employed dopers re:9/11
9/11: Watching TV? Going To Movies? Renting A Video?
Who here is flying on or near Sept 11th? I fly on the 10th
NEA on Sept. 11 - don’t go blaming anybody, but criticizing U.S. or yourself is OK
An article I read today. . .(9/11 stuff)
Is Common Wisdom post 9-11 Actually ‘Wise’?
What Are The Noo Yawkers Doing On Thursday?
Awful lot of people ‘love’ NY these days
9/11/02 TV Ads?
Calling all mods/admins/members re: Sept 11
Disaster on election day?
I’m dreading 9/11 this year
9/11 play list - help!
I guess this make me unpatriotic
9/11 Quiz
National security gurus: is this sufficient?
Is anyone else getting sick of the 9/11 “Remembrance crap/hype?”
Is your b’day on September 11?
Possible ONION Headlines (Warning: WTC Humor)
Rebroadcast of 9/11 documentary: Will you watch?
a racist memorial
9/11/01 - 911 emergency?
Charging Journalists a Fee to Recount Your 9/11 Story…Blood Money or Justified?
Predict tomorrow (9/11)
American Plans To Kill Other Americans on 9/11
9/11 and peace
How we should ALL commemorate 9/11
Oh, joy! The telemarketers are giving us a day off, in honor or 911
This morning’s 9/11 ceremony in Arlington
When Will 9/11 be a Federal Holiday?
I am sad today
Nice Understated 9/11 Tribute
Should I be upset…? (Sept. 11 initial reactions)
What will you do in rememberance of 9/11?
How has your life changed in the past year since 9/11?
Bush Knew
9/11 Tribute Fever - Good intention, bad result
Are 9-11 celebrations wrong? I say yes!
Sorry, but as you dig, Pearl Harbor and 9/11 is NOT that good a comparison!
Possible fifth set of hijackers?
“Let’s Roll” – symbol of American resolve being cheapened?
Here’s a hearty 9-11 F-You, you smarmy, condescending piece of crap!
“Jet thought to be headed for capitol or white house?” WTF!?
Why only WTC buildings
Canadian Prime blames U.S. for 9/11 attacks… WTF!?
9/11 a Nat’l Holiday? It already is!
air traffic control recordings from 9/11/2001
What do you think of these post 9/11 quotes?
Rockefeller Center statue removed
OBL Planned THREE Attacks Against USA?
Do people outside the US refer to 9/11 as 11/9?
Debunk This Please
Post-Attack Discussionss - 2006
Thinking of you, Americans
9/11 plus 5: what MPSIMS do you remember from that time
What if the casualties were less on 9/11?
Post-Attack Discussions – 2007
Post-Attack Discussions– 2008
Tributes and Memorials
National day of mourning?
From now on should the passengers creed be to jump the hijackers?
The Best and the Worst 9/11 Tributes
Former critics of ethnic profiling, who now criticize lack of action against Arabs
WTC Images
What to do with the WTC site?
Flight schools
Airport/Airplane Security
Why can transponders be turned off?
Are you scared to fly?
Is general aviation grounded, too?
What new security measures?
How will it ever be safe to fly again?
Spreading anthrax with crop dusters
Is GA still grounded?
Crop dusting scare nixed
Blimps banned; do their owners get help?
Airport Security Question
So the airport guardsmen are carrying unloaded weapons…
Knives and Forks in Airport Restaurants
Remote control of hijacked planes
Why NOT guns in cockpits?
Can armed pilots use non-piercing projectiles? (rubber, razor blades)
A modest anti plane-terrorist proposal
Learning to Fly in the Post 9/11 World
Airports (long, lacking in profanity)
Would YOU fly this September 11th?
Breastfeeding Mom is asked to drink her own milk--WTF?? - The BBQ Pit - Straight Dope Message Board]Breastfeeding Mom is asked to drink her own milk–WTF??
Who here is flying on or near Sept 11th? I fly on the 10th
Notes from the Fringe
Why JRR Tolkien is one of the idiots cashing in on 9/11 for money…
The SHOCKING parallels between literature and 9/11!!! You will be AMAZED!
Who has read Asimov’s Foundation Series (and is it a prequel to WTC/911?)
Has anyone read Watchmen (Allan Moore comic)?
Can we please stop with the numerology?
9/11/02 - Let the urban legends begin
New York Pick-Three Lottery on 9/11/02 is…You Guessed It!
You know people won the lottery last night
9/11 wicked but a work of art, says Damien Hirst