24: Season 6: Episodes 1-2 (6:00am - 8:00am) Season Premiere!

And here we are, at the start of another “bad day” for Jack Bauer. He’s coming back from a long-term all expense paid vacation to China, so one would think he’s going to be rested, relaxed, and refreshed. Ummmm… in theory, anyways?

Tune in at 8 PM tonight! Or millions of Nielsen families will DIE!!!

24, Season 6, Episodes 1-2
6:00 AM - 8:00 AM


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A.M. ?

You guys are in for a treat. I think it’s a very strong opening. I’m itching to talk about it, but will have to wait to tomorrow (time zones), by which time this will possibly be 9 pages long.

For a warmup: Mary Lynn Rajskup (Chloe) - operating heavy machinery while on cold medicine:

No “24” spoilers.


Yes – that doesn’t refer to our time, i.e. what time the show is on tonight. That refers to the time of Jack Bauer’s day. According to the Epsiode Guide Page on the Fox web site, the season 6 “day” starts at 6:00 AM JBT (Jack Bauer Time).

Of course, the premiere airs tonight, 8 PM Eastern.

“24”, “Rome”, “Desperate Housewives”. My DVR is on overload!! Alas, poor “Housewives”, we knew them well. (Actually I have 2 DVRs, so my bases are covered. But “DH” is getting very dull again, so who knows if I’ll ever get around to watching.)

Jack is back. Should be fun! I may just wait until tomorrow and do the whole 4 hours straight, without the benefit of commercial interruptions. That’ll make it closer to 3 hrs.

Am I the only one who ends up rooting for the terrorists instead of CTU, and the government? :smiley:

Oh my god, he’s become JACKULA!

Wow, that’s… wonderful.

He shook off that PTSD quick

Dude, it Jack Bauer He could shake off AIDS pretty quick.

I hope that guy he bit didn’t have AIDS!

OK, the ad for the GPS phone right after the scene with the GPS phone? Blow-a-roo.

Remember Kiefer in the movie Lost Boys? That’s what that neck bite reminded me of.

It’s 24 meets Lost Boys!

And a race of terrorist vampires is spawned…

How lucky he found a car with a GPS. Kind of an old ratty beat up car to have a nice new GPS in it…

So Chloe is declared to be “a pretty lady” and “a hottie.”

Not disagreeing here.

I am never letting Happy Scrappy Hero GF give me a hickey EVER AGAIN.

[sub]she’s way too much of a “24” fan[/sub]

Dr. Bashir!
They had Captain Cisco’s wife as Penny, and now Dr. Bashir.

It’s AH-med.

Well, excuuuuuuuuuse me…!

Man, if Taj had stones like that a few years ago, Van Wilder would never have been in danger of getting booted from school.