Colonoscopy in a week

I am lucky enough to be undergoing my first colonoscopy next Monday. I do have most of the prep stuff and was wondering what to expect from the whole process.

I understand that Pico-Salax is industrial strength, how long does it take to work?

I was recommended to get some diaper rash ointment to relive the butt. Is it that bad?

I have a birthday dinner to go to on Saturday, is steak a bad idea or should I stay with soup and salad?

Funny, but accurate:

I took pico salax for mine. If I remember correctly I took the first dose in the morning, and I believe close to noon it started working. It wasn’t that bad at all, I didn’t need wipes and surprisingly didn’t spend the whole day in the washroom, maybe four visits the whole time.

I imagine you have to stop eating Sunday morning or just a light breakfast ? So I’d go with the king’s supper and have steak Saturday night. You’re going to be hungry come Monday. Out of everything the hunger was the hardest to deal with.

Enjoy the drugs !

Take the valium as soon as it’s offered, it will make you feel much better about everything.

I’ve had 3 or 4 colonoscopies, and there’s nothing to worry about. The prep will give you the runs all day on Sunday (or at least during the afternoon), and your butt might hurt like it would from diarrhea, but it shouldn’t be too bad.

I think a steak on Saturday wouldn’t be a problem unless you have really slow digestion–the prep will take everything out of you.

Yeah, they’re not going to let you drive yourself home anyway, so take the drugs. I was awake for the whole thing, and watching it all on the screen. But I didn’t care. I so very much didn’t care. It was relaxing.

I was so relaxed that when I was wheeled into the recovery area, into a line of gurneys with recovering patients, and the nurse told me that I wouldn’t be allowed to leave until I had passed air: “Don’t be embarrassed, now, we all know that it’s the doctor’s air,” I was just too mellow to laugh. The idea of passing someone else’s ‘air’ tickled me down to my toes, but all I could do was smile and think “that’s very funny”. And fart, of course. I did manage that.

I think we should make colonoscopy prep a sticky.

The only issue I’ve had is drinking all that damn stuff. Now I drink even more than the recommended amount of water a day, but my colonoscopies have totally turned me off gatorade like products. Don’t expect to do anything the day of the prep, bring a book or two to the toilet, and definitely have steak the night before. Food after the procedure tastes especially good.
I’ve never needed any ointment.

Yeah, you’ll be fine if you eat the steak. You want to avoid foods that pass through more intact, like corn and seeds and nuts, but meat breaks down quickly in the gut.

The prep is really not as bad as we all anticipate. Just plan to remain near your bathroom on Sunday, get the luxury brand of toilet paper and some reading material, follow your prep instructions to the letter, and be sure to keep hydrated. Once you get into the procedure room, you’ll take a nice little nap, and then it will all be over for 10 years, most likely.

One thing that the prep list recommended was Gravol. Did any of you get nausea so bad that you needed it? I really hope it isn’t as bad as I am fearing. I am more worried about the prep at this point.

Speaking on behalf of one of my inlaws, it’s pretty quick. Measured in minutes.

Follow the instructions that you have been given with the pico-salax. If the instructions say liquids only, or smooth food beforehand, then please stick to them. I’d probably give the steak a miss.

A warning from the interwebs…

Uses some colourful language. scroll down for blu-tone and the picolax thread

Seeds and nuts are a no go 5 days prior, as is corn. I am having some teriyaki tonight while I can.

I have one scheduled for next Tuesday. Maybe we can form a club. However, this is my second one. For the first one, I didn’t hear or notice the instructions that you had to have someone drive you to and from the procedure so I showed up alone. They said that I would have to cancel and reschedule because they couldn’t let me drive after taking the drugs. I asked them if they could just skip the drugs. They said technically it could be done that way but hardly anyone ever does that in the U.S. and the doctor had never performed one without any anesthesia. I told them there is a first for everything and the doctor agreed to try it. It worked out fine.

It hurt sometimes fairly badly (like severe cramps) but it was an intermittent pain and it was completely over when it was over. I almost want to do it that way again but I think I will have the anesthesia this time just because it is more normal and makes the staff more comfortable. That should be a piece of cake and I expect it will be for you too.

It is kind of fascinating to watch the video monitor while it is being done. You don’t usually get to see those parts of yourself live.

I’m having my second on the 15th.
From my experience last time, three words: Flushable baby wipes. Skip any ointment and just prevent the chafing in the first place. Even luxury TP isn’t quite soft enough.

Did anyone else get given a polaroid of the far end, right up against the appendix?

No nausea for me. Don’t worry about it, there’s nothing to it. I thought I’d be chained to the toilet for the whole prep day, and it wasn’t bad at all. No running to the can was required. Just an urge to vacate. It’s a very fast procedure as well , under a half-hour. For me the most uncomfortable part was not eating. By the time I started fasting the following day was my procedure in the late afternoon. I had gone two days with no food so I was starving. I made two of the largest cheeseburgers when I got home that night.

Colonoscopy sticky is a good idea Voyager lol.

I’ve had two, and I would not eat a steak two days before the exam. Chicken or fish would be better.

You’ll be surprised at the amount of, um, stuff that will be vacating your body, even after a day or two on a light diet. No reason to make things more difficult, or risk going through the prep and having the doc postpone the exam because your colon isn’t completely empty.

Ditto on the baby wipes, but don’t use any wipes that have alcohol.

ETA: Wear loose clothing on prep day, like sweat pants. You won’t have time to mess with buttons and zippers.

A proctologist makes a toast, “Here’s looking up you”.

I’d eat the steak. And I’d use the ointment.

Truly, the worst part of the whole process is drinking the prep and then camping out on the toilet. I was extremely nervous the first time I had it done, but the procedure itself gets done while you’re asleep, usually.

Prior literature on this ever-popular topic:

I had a colonoscopy on monday. ( A.R. Cane 03-01-2006 )

What to do with my colonoscopy pictures? ( KlondikeGeoff 08-06-2006 )

Help interpret my colonoscopy report ( Sycorax 11-29-2006 )

Should a colonoscopy have hurt this much? ( lisacurl 12-19-2006 )

Fleet’s Phosphosoda (TMI) ( black rabbit 01-30-2007 )
(Note: As I’ve mentioned above, I found Phospho-Soda to be totally comfortable to use. Alas, it’s fallen into disfavor and is no longer available.]

Ask the Man Who Had a Colonoscopy ( kunilou 04-11-2007 )

What to expect for a colonoscopy? (TMI) ( Incubus 05-14-2007 )

Why is a colonoscopy being done at Camp David? ( Fear Itself 07-21-2007 )
(Note: Numerous threads at about this time speculating on Bush’s colonoscopy. Will they find the Constitution and Bill of Rights up there? What will Acting-Pres. Cheney do during his hour in power? Trying to distinguish real news from Onion article.)

Best Laxative? ( Red Barchetta 10-19-2007 )

Rise of the Machines: Anal Probing Robot ( Tuckerfan 12-29-2007 )

Aetna’s New Colonoscopy Policy? Ouch! ( Jinx 01-05-2008 )

Colon removal as cancer prevention? ( Kinthalis 02-11-2008 )

The Picolax Thread [Apparently a classic colonoscopy thread from the Singletrack message board.]

Obligatory link to classic Dave Barry column: Dave Barry: A journey into my colon – and yours (Miami Herald, orig. publ. 02-22-2008)

Colonoscopy-Not great news ( Mint Julep 04-01-2008 )

Get a colonoscopy if you are 50 ( Lillith Fair 04-09-2008 )

Ask the guy who just had a colonsocopy ( Eutychus 05-01-2008x )

Colonoscopies & Cosmetics ( KittenKat 05-31-2008 )

Journey to the Center of My Colon… ( Shodan 07-15-2008 )

Homer Simpson’s colonoscopy ( mobo85 09-06-2008 )

Dave Barry colonoscopy journal - humorous PSA ( pinkyvee 09-28-2008 )

Clear liquid diet, one gallon of laxative, colonoscopy - TMI ( beckwall 09-30-2008 )

Making the most of a forced bowel cleanse ( What the … !!! 10-09-2008 )

To boldly Go where no Vet has gone before. Gorilla + Colonoscopy. Newslink ( Bosda Di’Chi of Tricor 11-06-2008 )

Well, the HalfLytely is kicking in… ( ivylass 11-16-2008 )

It’s Roto-Rooter time again…whine ( Clothahump 01-03-2009 )

Colonoscopy - routine or only when symptoms are present? ( Carol the Impaler 01-25-2009 )

HalfLytely vs Phospho-Soda ( crazyjoe 02-03-2009 )

Ask yesterday’s colonoscopy recipient ( Boyo Jim 04-25-2009 )

So, ever been through colonoscopy prep? ( EddyTeddyFreddy 01-13-2010 )

What’s the poop on CT Colonography? ( teela brown 03-30-2010 )

Colonoscopy Baby ( Cicero 05-09-2010 )

Your favorite colonoscopy prep regimen? (need answer fast) ( Mama Zappa 06-07-2010 )

Ask the Man Who Had a Colonoscopy - the Sequel ( kunilou 08-20-2010 )

Tell me about your colonoscopy, especially the prep experience ( Stoid 09-12-2010 )

Whatever you do, don’t fart. TMI!! ( kambuckta 05-18-2011 )

Ooooohhh - My First Colonoscopy! ( Atomic Mama 08-07-2011 )

Ever Have A High Colonic? ( Quasimodem 08-08-2011 ) [Includes tangential discussion of colonoscopies.]

Does Miso Soup Count? ( Atomic Mama 09-07-2011 )

Going for a colonoscopy - what’s it like? ( AaronX 01-01-2012 )

Colonoscopy while conscious: what’s the discomfort? ( Machine Elf 01-04-2012 )

Colonoscopy advice ( Ibanez 02-18-2012 )

Having a colonoscopy ( Surly Chick 04-29-2012 )

[TMI] Had that colonoscopy 2 weeks ago, and now my ejaculate volume is way down. Normal? ( John DiFool 05-09-2012 )

How soon does Dulcolax work? Requesting TMI pre-colonoscopy. ( Napier 08-27-2012 )

Need colonoscopy jokes!! ( Mama Zappa 10-25-2012 )

What would happen if… ( CheeseDonkey 11-17-2012 ) [Mixing laxatives and anti-diarrheal meds, with side-discussion of colonoscopy prep.]

Tell me about your colonoscopy ( tdn 03-12-2013 )

colon cancer and colonoscopies ( Machine Elf 04-27-2013 )

Colonoscopies ( john b. 05/23/2013 )

Good news for colonoscopy prep! ( Mama Zappa 07/09/2013 )

Colonoscopy in a week ( Ike Witt 9/30/2013 )

Prior to starting the prep put on pants with an elastic waist. Once the prep starts working it will will be sudden and irresistible.

Find a strong tasting drink that you enjoy. Take a sip, swish and spit, then chug the prep and rinse again. It doesn’t make drinking the prep a pleasant experience, but it takes the edge off.

Dab, don’t wipe.

I did mine with no anastesia. It isn’t that bad. It was uncomfortable, and completely lacking in dignity, but it wasn’t painful. It was about like the worst case of gas ive ever had. I was allowed my iPod, and I concentrated on trying to pick up every detail of the music.

Then I drove myself home, had a fine meal, and and slept like a baby.