24: Season 6: Episode 16 (9:00pm - 10:00pm)

FAQ Bauer (aka Thread Rules)
1) What can be discussed in plain text, unboxed?
A: Any events in episodes, once aired on the east coast – as well as any speculation based on these already-aired events.

2) What should I confine to spoiler boxes?
A: Any discussion of upcoming shows that contains information from sources outside the aired material, or any speculation based on such things. This includes the “Next week on 24” previews, which some people choose not to watch.

3) What is CTU Torture Juice made of?
A: I don’t know, but side effects may include nausea, vomiting, loss of feeling in extremities, and tendencies to make out with effeminate co-workers in the corner.

Previously on 24…

Jack enlists the aid of Special Agent Brady to apprehend Gredenko. When asked later how he felt about his role in the operation, Brady was heard to remark, “Six minutes to Wapner…”

Vice President Pecos Bill continues to look for any excuse to hit the “Nuke Lauch” button. Here’s a summary of recent events:

Bill Buchanan: Jack Bauer managed to prevent the suitcase nuke from exploding.
VP: Great news!
Bill Buchanan: A few rescue workers were exposed to radiation on the site, but casualties will be very minimal
VP: Deploy our subs into strike position!

Bill Buchanan: Sir, Jack Bauer has now captured Gredenko, who can lead us to the remaining suitcase nukes.
VP: Wonderful!
Bill: Agent Johnson scratched his arm in the operation and needs a band-aid.
VP: Those bastards! Launch our missiles!

And Milo plants one on Nadia, trying to give her a little tongue action in the process. After Nadia’s ordeal with the torture juice, she looks like she could use a real man. Guess she’ll have to settle for Milo in the meantime.

24, Season 6, Episode 16
9:00 PM - 10:00 PM


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The Veep is determined to blow up the world… or at least, to nuke “Fayed’s Country”. I think that’s the official name of the nation.

Ok…What? Why did Gredenko give up Fyed at the bar (I know I’m killing the spellings here) and what the happy dancing hell is with Wayne Palmer launching nukes!!! Did he have a stroke? Adreneline induced psychosis?

Yeah, he’s tweakin’ and he wants to bust a cap.


Did not see the ending coming at all. I was all set to bitch about the hour of Robert’s Rules as opposed to Chloe shooting people, but the ending totally made up for it.

I’m guessing Gredenko was just doing whatever he could do to get away. Maybe he also figured that Fayed wouldn’t be too forgiving that he led CTU to him – despite the “no choice” and the willingness to go one arm fewer.

I totally called the arm-chopping thing, when Gredenko was heading from the van to the meeting place. But I hadn’t expected Gredenko to turn on Fayed like that. I think he just saw an opportunity to extract himself from Fayed and did so. But that loss of blood thing isn’t going to help him in his solo-escape attempt.

As for Palmer…? When he was earlier talking about getting back control of the carrier group and command codes, etc. I didn’t think it was just to stand them down and have them withdraw. I figured he was probably going to let them remain in the area, prepared to launch, as an alternate option. However, I didn’t expect him to go ahead and just launch the sucker by the end of the hour!

From the previews for next week, it looks to me like:

maybe Palmer is using the nuke attack as a ploy to get information out of the ambassador. Do I remember correctly? Did Palmer think the ambassador wasn’t telling him everything he knew, back when he and Assad were meeting with the guy? If so, perhaps Palmer is holding open the option to self-destruct the missle before it hits, and use the impending threat to get the ambassador to come forth with whatever info he is holding back?

This season is like a “24” Greatest Hits season. Severed limb? Check!


CTU guy should have planted the bone-dwelling tracker in his ass – lodge it in the pelvic bone or something. So Gredenko would have to cut his ass off to get away. Or perhaps just inject it into his skull. You think they’d anticipate the possibility of a psycho nut-job terrorist (or his psycho nut-job ally) severing an extremity. That tracker needed to be more centrally located.

Monstre I think you’re right with what you have in the spoiler box. I also called the arm loss thing, but I did find it odd that there was just a loose axe hanging out in a warehouse on the Santa Monica pier. I was thinking more along the lines of shoot the arm off or something.

So Gredenko just bought it under the pier? Where are all the homeless dudes that hang out down there?

As he was staggering around down there, the friend I was watching the show with said, “He looks like a homeless guy.”

I don’t know if he bought it or just passed out. I think it might be the latter. We probably haven’t seen the last of Gredenko. Although he’d better wake up before that tide starts coming in.

[QUOTE=Monstre…*3) What is CTU Torture Juice made of?
A: I don’t know, but side effects may include nausea, vomiting, loss of feeling in extremities, and tendencies to make out with effeminate co-workers in the corner.

And Milo plants one on Nadia, trying to give her a little tongue action in the process. After Nadia’s ordeal with the torture juice, she looks like she could use a real man. Guess she’ll have to settle for Milo in the meantime.[/QUOTE]
Not a fan of Milo, are we? But he took one in the arm for the team…

If he survives drowning after bleeding to death, that arc immediately goes into the 24 Most Unbelievable Moments Hall of Fame.

BTW, if both Gredenko and Sayed are goners, who’s running the show? Some uber-master of terror? Maybe one of those damn Canadians still frothing over the War of 1812?

According to my SO:
“Adrenaline mimics electrical activity especially in high doses. As it reaches the frontal cortex (which it has based on his limping/slouching posture, his delusions and emotional reactivity), his motivations become easily influenced and internal cognitions are distorted. I bet that VP came and tried to convince him to launch the strike.”

What ever happened to rich evil dude on the yacht from the end of Season 2, the one who ordered Hot Naked Bisexual Assassin Mandy to give David Palmer the handshake o’doom?

Oh, he’s okay. He’s just not as studly as he thinks he is.

gasp! It’s Morris! He only ordered Fayed to kidnap and torture him to keep up appearances. He’s the real mastermind behind all the events of the day!

Who cares about him?! I want to know what Hot Naked Bisexual Asssassin Mandy is up to these days. And I want both her and Nadia naked in the hot tub with me!

Apparently she’s pissing people off with her writing. see?

Where is Jack’s dad during all this? Shouldn’t he still be lurking around?

That and getting brutally cut in half.

Papa Bauer’s still out there, plus I’m sure we can find a way to get the Chinese back in the mix, and that’ll all dovetail nicely with some Audrey revelation.

25th Amendment Fu - check!
Office romance makes for divided loyalty stickiness - check!
Detonation of nuclear device - check!
Nuclear power plant imperiled - check!
Assassination attempt on POTUS - check!
Executive branch bugged & implicated - check!
Jack’s relative meets a violent demise - check!
Suspicion of CTU mole disrupts operations - check!
Aircraft in flight crashes, causing civilian casualties - check!
Invasion of foreign embassy - check!
Bad Russians & Bad Muslims - double check!
Torture - check!